Italian Risotto Rice Dish - What Makes It So Delightful

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 31 Januari 2013 0 komentar
Risotto is a rice dish originating from Italy, particularly the Northern Italian region. It is a very popular food made by sautéing the rice in olive oil, onion, garlic or whatever herbs the recipe calls for then adding ladles of simmering stock at a time while constantly stirring, until the rice absorbs the stock. Cooking or "toasting" the rice in hot oil or butter is essential to help the rice absorb liquid more easily producing a tender but not mushy rice dish. It usually takes about 20 to 25 minutes to cook a risotto.
The secret to a perfect risotto lies in using Arborio rice, which is a short grain variety capable of absorbing large amounts of liquid while keeping its shape. The starchy rice when combined with the stock during cooking creates a wonderful sauce giving risotto its nice and creamy appearance. Along with its basic ingredients oil, onion starchy rice, hot stock and cheese, a risotto can be made using many kinds of vegetables and legumes, meat, poultry, seafood, fish and any type of wine and cheese. You can even include fruits of your taste.
Aside from Arborio rice, other Italian short-grain varieties are Vialone Nano, Carnaroli and Baldo. Short-grain rice is starchy which Italians find the most perfect rice for risotto. When cooking a traditional risotto, it is best to use a cast iron heavy-bottomed pan or skillet. Cast iron works better by transferring even the lowest heat to the food extremely well and the even distribution of heat during slow cooking helps starch release from the rice producing marvelous results.
A traditional Italian risotto dish is completely satisfying. It can be simple or complex. If you're in Italy, you will experience the many versions of full-flavored risottos from all-vegetable to fish to meat and poultry to mouth-watering cheese risottos. This creamy Italian rice dish is a versatile food. You can serve it as a main course, a side dish and you can use leftover risottos to make a new dish like rice cakes and fried rice balls or simply use it to thicken soups or broth.
Although Risotto is easy to prepare, the first time you make it may not be the best. It may take some time to learn but once you've mastered the technique, it would be easy to make your own risotto dishes for all occasions. Here is a traditional Italian Vegetable Risotto recipe that you could start with.
• 1 medium zucchini
• 10-ounce pumpkin or squash wedge
• 1 beefsteak tomato
• 2 cloves garlic
• 1 large onion
• 4 cups hot stock (chicken or vegetable)
• 2 tablespoons olive oil
• 1 cup risotto rice
• 1 tablespoon dry sherry wine (or any wine)
• 4 canned artichoke hearts, drained
• Salt and pepper
• 2 tablespoons fresh Italian parsley
Trim zucchini and cut into small cubes. Peel pumpkin or squash, remove seeds and cut into cubes. Cover tomato with boiling water for 30 seconds then plunge into cold water. Peel away skin, remove seeds and cut into fourths. Peel onion and garlic and slice finely. Bring stock or broth to boil then simmer. In a large heavy-based skillet, heat the oil and slightly sauté the onions. Add the risotto rice and cook for 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Add the garlic then the sherry wine. Gradually add stock in small batches, stirring over low to medium heat until every batch of liquid has been absorbed. Let it sit for about 20 minutes to cook.
Add remaining stock along with the zucchini and squash and cook for 10 minutes more, stirring constantly. Cut artichoke hearts into fourths and add into risotto, Season with salt and pepper then transfer to warm soup bowls. Sprinkle each with tiny-chopped tomato and garnish with parsley leaves.

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Italian Body Art

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Italian tattoos used to symbolize the loyalty of a gang member to the group. From the bad impressions and taboo beliefs about tattoos, it is now more recognized as a form of art and a part of self-expression. Many people are interested in inscribing foreign languages on their skin. These days, the Italian language has been part of the tattoo industry as well as Italian inspired designs.
There are several things that you need to know about Italian tattoos though. A difference in spelling is very important as the translation could mean the opposite of what you want. The Italian word 'amare' means love while a switch of the 'e' to make it 'amaro' means bitter. Love is one of the major themes of Italian tattoos as it has been a favorite part of their history. The words 'bella' (beautiful), 'pesca' (peace), and 'per sempre' (forever) are now part of the Italian passion for body art.
Italian nationalists' favorite tattoo design includes the three colors of the flag of the Italian flag itself. The flag is often inked with a heart, a religious symbol, or a military symbol with Italian words. Some Italians even use their whole body as a canvass and duplicate the Italian works of arts such as famous paintings or sculptures.
These tattoos are inked on the skin for a long time and despite the availability of techniques that can remove them, once a tattoo is placed it is believed to be meant to stay there forever.

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
While there are many who have enjoyed learning and speaking the Italian language, there are still people who are hesitant to continue learning Italian no matter how badly they really want to learn it. The Italian language is just one of the many international languages that need to be learned with dedication and pure interest.
There are people who just think too much of the disadvantages or 'what if's' in learning the Italian language before even doing the real work first. But the real problem here is that, with this kind of attitude, there is really never going to be any work done, lesson learnt or even a single Italian word spoken.
Instead of wasting time thinking about what could happen or the difficulty of learning the Italian language, its best to break the myths and surpass the hesitations. Learning Italian could bring you interest you never thought you'd have and even the desire to visit the Italian speaking country at its best - Italy!
Now that it has been mentioned, the thought of not visiting Italy or visiting it for a just short time is one of the hindrances which most people think of right away and also the reason why learning Italian is never a top priority. But there is a purpose why you should learn the language. Many Italian lessons today offer survival conversational phrases which most likely can become useful if ever you find yourself under the shadows of the leaning tower of Pisa or inside a restaurant with staff and customers speaking Italian and Italian alone.
Another common reason why people refuse to get involve in learning Italian is because they think they don't have the time to sit down and read on the texts of the language. Again, there are more sources now than before. It isn't only getting to a language class where one can learn Italian but also online, movies, audio aids and immersion are tops for learning this language or even any foreign language for that matter. It's everywhere and anyone can read through a 10 key point article about Italian basics each day. That could only take about 10 to 20 minutes.
The idea here is that there are certainly no limits to how a person can learn a foreign language. Italian is just one thing out of the other hundreds of foreign languages. It's great to learn new things everyday and you don't even have to lose anything. When you think you can't, it could only be because you really don't want to or just too lazy to do it.

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Italian Handmade Shoes: The Finest!

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The best Italian shoes can easily be spotted. How? They feature a blend of elegance and distinction which when worn suggest a sharp demeanor. These happen to be Italian handmade shoes which Italian shoe manufacturers pride themselves in crafting and rightfully so. A pair of sleek Artioli's is bound to have people noticing due to their matchless quality.
Quality is a crucial aspect when footwear is concerned; seeing as how low quality shoes will not only help produce sharp back pain, but will surely jeopardize your overall appearance. Men, you are not being authentic if you are matching your suit with your best Italian shoes that are really a product of a five minute ensemble from South Asia.
Italian handmade shoes on the other hand are a gem whose exclusivity rests within a few designer houses that pride themselves in using traditional methods of shoe making. The craftsmanship is due to Italian shoe manufacturers choosing high quality leather, and refusing to settle for shoddy material. Ladies, not only is the quality of Italian hand made shoes exceptional, but a pair of Raffaello's is nothing short of distinguished. Imagine the embarrassment of matching a stunning dress with a pair of high heels that look like they were involved in a foot chase.
Italian hand made shoes promise to deliver quality that speaks to your individuality, not takes away from it. Such shoes have the power not only to make the man, but to make the women. Most Italian shoe manufacturers include pattern books that allow you to choose the material that will be going into your Italian shoe, so the end result will be an original one indeed. There is a reason why Italian fashion shoes are made in small qualities, because you haven't worn shoes until you've worn Italian handmade shoes!

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Five Tips for Learning Italian

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Many people are familiar with several foreign languages aside from their mother tongues. However, not everyone learns a language in the same manner - some people are thorough, and like to approach a language from its every aspect including its phonetic system, morphology, and semantics. On the other hand, there are people who prefer using the most popular phrases only on occasion, so they learn only useful phrases they'll be able to use. The latter have a poorer vocabulary, but their knowledge of a particular language includes very useful phrases such as where the bathrooms is, how much something costs, and so on. Here we will discuss some of the most useful tips on how to learn the Italian language.
Tip Number One: Find the Time for Your Lessons
Before you start learning Italian, or any other foreign language, you ought to organize your time efficiently. More importantly, you need to organize your daily schedule so that there is enough time in it for learning a foreign language. After you have selected a particular part of the day for your learning, you need to divide your learning material into equal parts. If you don't attend particular classes, but learn Italian individually, it is best to learn the language in form of lessons.
Tips Number Two: Listen to Italian
In spite of the fact that the ideal way of learning Italian is to actually go to Italy, this is not the only way you can learn the language. There are many ways in which native Italian speakers may come to you, so to say. Going to a cinema and watching a movie in Italian is almost as good as having small talk with an Italian native speaker. Aside from this, you can listen to Italian music, which will allow you to learn the language, but also enjoy some of the most beautiful Italian singers.
Tips Number Three: Be Persistent
Another thing you should bear in mind is that persistence is the key to getting hold of a foreign language. Many people make the mistake of giving up learning a second language as soon as they come to the first obstacle. Even more people expect an overnight success, and when they don't start talking Italian after a short period of time, they become disappointed, and almost always they stop learning the lingo. Taking this into account, you should be determined to learn Italian, and learn to observe and appreciate your progress.
Tips Number Four: Think in Italian
In order to learn the Italian language better and more easily, you ought to think in Italian. This is why the best way to learn a language is to visit a country - you are surrounded by the native speakers of Italian, you get to understand the way Italians think and speak, and there really is no better practice than this. So, even if you haven't got a chance to visit Italy, try to think in Italian, without translating to and from your mother tongue.
Tips Number Five: Have Fun
Learning Italian is fun, and you shouldn't let your desire of instant success ruin this. You won't speak like Eros Ramazzotti the moment you buy a dictionary, but you'll get better and better in time.

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History of Comacchio, an Attractive Italian Town

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Comacchio is a city in eastern Italy, a little way south of Venice. Like its famous neighbour, Comacchio also developed 'out of the water' and is an attractive town of bridges and canals. It wasn't always this way, and a look at the history of Comacchio will help you make your most of a visit.
The town originally developed as scattered settlements along the mouth of the Po Delta, these settlements expanding to join together and now spread across thirteen islands that are separated by channels and joined by numerous bridges.
Although the history of the town can only be dated back as far as the Middle Ages, there is also evidence that the place was a very old human settlement dating back to the Bronze Age, and its first founders would have probably been the early Greek and then Etruscan merchants, who founded the ancient Etruscan city of Spina. The Greeks and the Etruscans lived here before the Ancient Roman empire - hence approximately 2500 years ago.
In fact the name of the town perhaps comes from the Greek 'Kuma' (the wave) so the name would indicate a 'city among the waves' - entirely appropriate given the coastal marshland location of Comacchio.
Comacchio in the Middle Ages was already an important trade city, especially in salt, and it had a considerably fleet. This however provoked the attention of wealthy Venice, which repeatedly tried to seize the city. Attacks were carried out by Venice in 854, 946, 1379 and 1405, each of which which provoked lootings and destructions in the city, until the Venetians finally managed to get hold of Comacchio and its valuable salt-works in 1455.
The history of the struggles for the conquest of Comacchio and its salt-works did not end here, because the city, from 1313, was taken by the Dukes of Ferrara, who were themselves expelled by the Venetians in 1434. But the Dukes of Ferrara took possession of the city again in 1484, and they held it until 1509. The reaction of Venice on this occasion was very hard; it not only destroyed the town, but also almost all of the salt-works. The land, now almost worthless, was left in the hands of the Duke of Ferrara, who held it until the extinction of the Dukedom, in 1598.
From that date, and with the disappearance of the Dukes of Ferrara, Comacchio was governed by the rule of the Church-State. Under this papal rule Comacchio had a new phase of building development, both religious and civil, that continued until the mid-seventeenth Century. At that time the city had a new period of economic crisis, mainly because the Church-State had to close a large proportion of the salt-works to encourage those of Cervia, which were considered far more productive.
In the first half of the 18th century Comacchio was ruled by the Austrians, who gave the city a major economic boost, reopening the salt-works, improving roads and enhancing the city defences with new fortifications.
Comacchio then again returned to the Church-State until 1796, when, in the Napoleonic age, it became a French domain, and then, with the Unification of Italy, it entered in the Kingdom of Italy (1861).

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Best Way to Learn Italian: A Simple Strategy for Mastering the Italian Language

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Italian is a beautiful, romantic language, one that we all know we'd love to be able to speak. What we don't all know is the best way to go about doing that. This article is going to help by giving you a practical, easy to follow Italian language learning strategy.
Use Outcome-Based Learning Methods
Outcome-based learning strategies are very powerful. I'll show you by contrasting a traditional learning plan with an outcome-based one. A typical goal using a traditional learning style would be, for example, "This week I am going to memorize 100 new travel Italian vocabulary words." Or, perhaps, "This week I am going to complete lessons 1 to 3." Now contrast that to an outcome-based goal, which would look something like this, "This week I am going to learn how to buy one-way train tickets for two people from Barcelona to Rome." Do you see the powerful difference in the goals set. With traditional, often-used goal setting techniques you don't learn to accomplish any particularly useful tasks. With outcome-based goals, it's just the opposite. You start with a task you want to accomplish, and then you learn what you need to learn in order to accomplish that goal. Using outcome-based learning models is the best way to learn Italian--or any other language.
Get a Good Software or Internet-based Italian Language Program
Yes, the best way to learn Italian is to move to Italy for a year or two. As that's rather impractical for most, however, I'm going to suggest the next best thing--computer-based learning. Software and Internet-based programs are relatively cheap, very easy to use, and they are extremely effective learning tools. You can choose from 100% audio-based programs, or you can choose from more activity and written dialogue based programs. You can also choose from programs that are 100% online and from those that can be downloaded directly to your computer, or loaded with CD's. When choosing, be sure to do plenty of research, and always keep in mind your own personal learning style and when and where you plan on studying.
Use the Internet to Exchange Languages With a Native Italian Speaker
We all know that the only way to get perfect Italian pronunciation is to practice speaking with a native Italian Speaker. One great way to do that is to do an online language exchange. All you do is go to an Italian language learning forum or message board and find a native-speaker to talk to. Easier said than done, right? No, not really. You see, there are lots of Italian people out there who want to perfect their English pronunciation, just like you want to perfect your Italian. All you do is find each other and exchange MSN, or Skype Id's, and off you go. I have had best results studying only one language per day. For example, on Monday, you spend an hour having a conversation in English, you perfecting your partner's pronunciation as you go along. Then, the next day you spend an hour together speaking Italian, your partner correcting your pronunciation as you speak.
Final Thoughts
Italian is a beautiful, romantic, and useful language. There are lots of ways to go about learning it. When factoring in practical things like educational research, cost, and modern technology, it is clear that the best way to learn Italian is to use outcome-based strategies, to utilize computer-based learning programs, and to use the Internet to complete language exchanges with Italian native speakers.

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Simple and Delicious Regional Italian Food

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
If you think that Italian food is all about pasta, sauce and pizza, then it's time to think again. Some of the most fabulous foods in the entire world are Italian dishes that most people have never heard of. These dishes are most often regional in nature and often take on the characteristics of the regions and countries bordering the area of Italy where they originate.
The trouble with ordering food in an Italian restaurant, like ones in the US, is that the manager of the restaurant needs to cut down the number of dishes they can serve so that the food can be ready in a timely fashion after you order. What happens often, then is the food that is distinctive but not so well-known gets left off the usual menu.
And because Italy is full of small but very diverse areas, this means that most of the great regional dishes simply are never available on the menu. A great case in point is food from the Friuli-Venezia Giulia area. This is a place right next to the border of the former Yugoslavia and when you mix that culinary influence in with the Italian love of cooking, you get some fabulous dishes that most people outside of Italy have never been able to sample.
Because this region shares a border with the former Yugoslavia, the Italian food here is strong with Austrian, Hungarian, Slovenian, and Croatian influences. One of places that this is most apparent is in the beer halls of the area, places you might more typically associate with Germany or Austria. Here they feature such dishes as Viennese sausage and goulash.
Goulash, which originated as a Hungarian dish, has taken on a distinct Italian taste here and can often be found in fine Italian food restaurants both in and out of Italy. Goulash is very popular in this region and is a thick stew of beef and local vegetables such as onions and red peppers. It is very thick and seasoned with paprika and can be served with pasta. Another dish that makes a frequent appearance at the beer halls in this area is Bohemian stew made with either rabbit or beef.
But, the meat used most often in dishes form this region is pork. And if you are ever visiting this are, make sure you sample one of their world famous San Daniele del Friuli hams. These hams are a staple meat of the local Italian food. The whole region is known for their spicy bacon and sausages. In fact there is a local dish called jota that is unique to the region and is a stew dish made with beans and bacon. But this is so very different from the kind of dish served in the southern areas of the United States. The pork in this area is spicy and this may come as a bit of a shock to foreigners not familiar with this brand of Italian food. The pork is often cooked over an open hearth instead of being roasted, and is seen in many dishes even if it is not the main entree.
There are so many kinds of Italian food that are not pasta with tomato sauce, that it is hard to be able to try them all in one lifetime; but you could certainly try. Because good food is meant to be good fun.

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Traditional Italian Pizza at Pepe's, New Haven, Connecticut, Home of the Original Clam Pie

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Let's face it, when you go to Pepe's Pizzeria, in New Haven, Connecticut you expect a quality pizza. You know your pizza will contain top quality ingredients. You realize your pizza will be cooked in a coal fired oven. You understand your are getting a traditional Italian Pizza, New Haven Style. There is no question, you are in a for a positive pizza experience.
So when 11 pizza fanatics descended on Pepe's we were expecting nothing less than an over the top pizza experience. And Pepe's did not disappoint us.
Because of the diversity of the group (both ethnically and ethically) we decide on three different pizzas.
For the seafood lovers (hey, everybody in the group was a seafood fan), we ordered the original clam pizza. This was Frank Pepe's signature pie.
The standard clam is not made with "motz" (mozzarella), just a sprinkling of Parmesan. This pie just oozes with clam taste. You won't find cherry stones or steamers on this pie. This pizza is made with fresh quahogs. These are big, juicy clams, found in New England waters. Overcook these babies and you get a tough rubbery mess. If done just right the clams seem to jump off the pizza into your mouth.
Next for the wannabe vegetarians, we ordered the original tomato pie. This is a plain pizza with cheese. The rationale here was to let the taste of the crust to shine through.
Our third pizza was a loaded to the brim bacon and sausage pizza. Strips of hearty Italian bacon are mixed with a nice Italian sweet sausage.
The verdict:
Due to a miscue, our server brought out our first clam pie with mozzarella on it. Not what we had ordered but we were given the pizza anyway. Everyone was pleasantly surprised. The taste of the mozzarella blended well with the clams. Everyone gave this pizza a positive review.
The original tomato pie was excellent. Indeed the taste of the crust came shining through. The vegetarians of the group felt this was a perfect blend of sauce, cheese and crust. The original, was in a word outstanding.
Out came the bacon and sausage pizza. The bacon strips were thick and meaty. The sausage had a pleasant melding of meat and spices. The pizza was finished in an instant.
Finally our clam pizza (sans mozzarella) appeared. It was not only a visual delight but the taste was just incredible. No one and I mean no one can match a Pepe's clam pizza. Frank Pepe invented the clam pizza many years ago. Sure many have tried to recreate it, However, the taste of this pizza is beyond description. Simply amazing.
It was interesting to compare and contrast the taste of the two clam pies: one with motz, the other made without it. While I won't be ordering the clam with "motz" anytime soon, it was nice to be able to contrast the two very different pies.
Again, Pepe's did not disappoint. We all will be going back soon.
Discover The Secrets of How You Can Start a Pizza Business Now Discover tips to get into the pizza business. Includes a link to The Ultimate Pizza Business Guide: The Pizza Business papers.

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Fashionable Men's Italian Suits

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Not just the men who belong to the elite class but also people in the lower rung of society need to wear a suit at least on certain special occasions. A suit is deemed as a status symbol and the wearer is better appreciated by society at large. Italian suits are widely acknowledged as well-cut and neatly tailored suits. Italian suits have today come to represent some of the best quality work in men's tailoring, and bring respectability to the wearer.
An Italian men's suit, handmade or otherwise, is extremely elegant and the manufacturers, it is believed, use some magic formula. Most of the Italian men's tailoring houses that produced these suits are family run, and that sometimes makes a lot of difference. Each Italian suit maker family has its own secrets to quality which it guards jealously.
Italian men's suit tailors are hugely successful because they make efforts to hide all the flaws in a wearer's physique, while making a suit. The armholes are deliberately designed higher, the overall shape is more streamlined, and the coat proportioned to improve the wearer's appearance. From the placement of the waist to the width of the lapels and the cut of the collar, every aspect of the Italian men's suit is tailored to flatter the wearer. Some of the most expensive Italian suits are painstakingly hand made by an increasingly scarce breed of veteran tailors. These tailors know how to make suits that hide physical flaws and highlight attributes, without sacrificing comfort.
Not every one is privileged enough to get a customized suit made, but there is a range of suits which is nearly as good. With made-to-measure suits, it is possible to achieve a degree of customization because most tailors takes up to 25 measurements of an individual body, and these are then sent to the factory. Here, a lot of time is spent in order to achieve the best fit possible.
Special requests like providing extra pockets, specific fabrics and linings, and a certain design and style and color can always be accommodated. Some of the best fabrics, threads and interlinings are used, which helps guarantee a quality suit. But the production is assembly line, and many tailors work on the suit at different stages of production which is bit of a negative factor.
Italian men's suits are available in different qualities to suit a wide range of budgets. Any buyer of Italian suits is bound to be confused confronted by too wide a choice. The Italian Off-the-shelf Men's Suits are considerably cheaper and the other advantage is instant purchase without agonizing trials and waiting indefinitely for the suit to get ready. You can still make a wise purchase if you shop around for the right size, cut and look. What is more, off-the-shelf suits are good for those who are looking for variations, for different types of fabrics and styles.
The inherent merit of an off-the-shelf Italian designer suit lies in its ability to change from season to season. For those in the media, advertising, or culture where dress is serious matter, these suits come handy. For these professionals suits have become more a matter of requirement than taste, and off-the shelf suits fit the bill. Being the most economic, an average buyer can comfortably fill his wardrobe with quite a few suits.
For an Italian, the worst insult is wearing a badly tailored suit as that means he is cutting a sorry figure. It is therefore the intention and effort of most Italians to dress up so as to cut a good figure. It is this obsession that has proved a blessing and Italian suits have acquired a look of classical, timeless elegance.

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What Is Farro? An Ancient Italian Grain - Sorting Out the Confusion

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- a delicious slightly nutty tasting grain is enjoyed widely throughout Italy. Less known in the U.S.A. it is also a source of some confusion.When I was first introduced to Farro in Tuscany I was told by the organic farmer offering it to me that is was called "spelt" in English. But it seemed different than the spelt I'd had in the states. I also observed that it was prepared quickly with no pre-soaking involved. It was plump, appetizing and chewy. My curiosity was piqued.
Because of my passion for this region of Italy with its glorious, pristine, Tuscan fields and long, sunny summer days, I imagined this "spelt" was different because of optimal growing conditions. Alternately, I was suspicious that perhaps this farro had been processed or pumped up with "steroid" like chemicals. Eventually, after much research, including a visit to one of the first organic farms in Italy, the confusion dissolved. But describing "what is farro?" is still not easy.
Many sources will explain that Farro is an ancient or "heirloom" grain known to have sustained the Roman Legions as they marched across Europe. First cultivated as early as 10,000 BC in Ethiopia it eventually migrated through the Mediterranean Region and into Europe. Farro is early on the evolutionary chain of wheat - beginning with Einkorn and ending with contemporary Durum Wheat. The most common claim is that the biological name for Farro is "Triticum Dicoccum" and that it's similar to what we call "Emmer" in English. Furthermore, "Triticum Dicoccum" or Farro is the precursor to "Triticum Spelta" or "spelt" which evolved centuries later.
But not so fast! Further research uncovers some dispute about the actual evolution of these ancient grains. The accurate origin and taxonomy of spelt is controversial. Different varieties of T. Dicoccum or Emmer are grown throughout Italy including some wild, non-domesticated versions. Further, it turns out that Italians actually refer to any hulled wheat (with a husk) as "Farro". And the literal translation of the word "farro" into English is "spelt". So emmer or spelt or einkorn are all interchangeably called "farro" in Italy. Thus the confusion!
However - rest assured! As Farro becomes better known in the U.S. we can be confident that most product sold here is actually "Triticum Diccocum". Sold both as "whole grain farro" which retains its outer husk and "Farro Perlato" - which is the plump, chewy grain I first enjoyed in Tuscany. The word "perlato" refers to the removal of some of the tough, outside husk as in "semi-pearled". Despite the removal process Farro Perlato retains its highly nutritious properties. And grain sold as "Spelt" is a harder, smaller grain that needs to be pre-soaked before cooking and is preferably used for breads, flour and pastas.
The distinguishing feature of these hulled grains is the tough husk that needs to be partially removed or pre-soaked to be edible. The Tuscan farmers I know say "even the cinghiale (wild boar) won't eat farro because of the tough husks". As a result, farro lost favor over the centuries due to the development of modern wheat - without the husks - which required less processing and produced higher yields. Unfortunately the cultivation of modern wheats also culled out many of the nutritious properties of the ancient grains and increased the amount of gluten now present in today's durum wheat.
Now it's our good fortune that organic Farro Perlato is available in America semi-pearled making it very quick and easy to cook. It has high protein, high fiber, is non-GMO, highly nutritious and has a low glycemic index of 40 when compared to other grains. Because it retains many of its ancient properties its gluten content is low and is often tolerated by people with wheat allergies. Versatile and delicious it can be served as an entrée, side dish, salad or even as a hot breakfast cereal. It's now easy to cook delectable farro dishes like those served in homes all over Italy and to enjoy the taste of Farro in fine restaurants throughout the United States.

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The History Of Italian Wine

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You can find expensive Italian wine and not so expensive Italian wine and they are both as delicious as the other. It is pretty hard to go wrong with Italian wine, as they are all pretty much near perfect. The history of Italian wine is a history that is fascinating to say the least.
Italian wine is a culture all its own. For generations upon generations Italian wine has played a large part in Italy's society. As long as four thousand years ago the people who lived in Italy, the prehistoric people, were making and drinking wine. They would take the grapes still used in Italian wine today and press it in order to get the juice out. This grape juice would ferment as it sat waiting to be drunk and thus the first Italian wine was created.
Italian wine only grew and evolved from there until it got to the stage it is at today. In time the whole Italian wine making process changed and got to be more efficient. In the nineteenth century Italian wine makers learned to process the grapes better to produce better wine and to bottle this wine.
The bottling of this Italian wine made shipping it easy leading to even more popularity of Italian wine. In what seemed like no time at all Italian wine makers were able to ship their Italian wine all over the known world. Italian wine was shipped to other parts of Europe and even to America.
In all of the years that people have been drinking Italian wine it has been refined and new varieties have popped up. Each of the new Italian wines are better than the last and this is only helping Italian wine to grow ever more popular in the wine market. No matter where it is that you live you will be able to get and enjoy some find Italian wine. You can simply stop in at your local liquor store to get some of the best Italian wine or you can contact a wine merchant.
If you are interested in collecting Italian wine then you will want to talk to a wine merchant. They are a great way to get the finest of all Italian wine. These Italian wine merchants will also be able to tell you some of the things that you should know about wine and Italian wine in particular. These tips can help you to store your Italian wine properly in order that it can last for years to come.

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What Makes Good Italian Food and a Great Italian Restaurant?

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What makes good Italian food and a great Italian restaurant? This is what I think.
Italy has a wonderful tradition of fine food. Italian food's importance to Italian culture cannot be overstated. It is one of the central elements, and why shouldn't it be? Think about Italy's geography for a second:
  • It runs a long way from north to south. Therefore, it has a wide array of growing seasons and soil types. This means a rich diversity of ingredients for food.
  • It is a peninsula, meaning it is nearly surrounded by the sea but also connected to the great Eurasian land mass. There is an abundance of fresh seafood and foreign ingredients from neighboring lands.
  • It sits between Europe and Africa in the Mediterranean. All Mediterranean cultures have excellent food traditions from North Africa to Lebanon and Israel, France, Greece, Spain and, of course, Italy.
When you think of noodles and pasta, you probably think of Italy, but those wonderful inventions came to Italy from China thanks to Marco Polo. It tells you a lot about Italian food culture that something so basic became associated with Italy even though it did not originate there.
Anyway, food is a key element of Italian culture. Therefore, the food is the most important part of the restaurant. Of course, a great Italian restaurant will have a great wine list, a clean and elegant decor, and wonderful service, but a good Italian restaurant can get by on great food alone, even if they have a crummy wine list, poor service, and a dingy decoration scheme.
By the way, if you leave an "Italian" restaurant hungry, it's definitely not authentic. A white tablecloth and high bill do not a great bistro make. Frankly, I can't stand those fancy Italian restaurants in Manhattan that charge you $400 for a morsel that makes you want to stop for a slice of pizza on the way home. A great Italian ristorante will leave you full, not stuffed, but full.
The second aspect of a great Italian restaurant is the service. The service will be warm and professional, but not overly friendly. After the orders are taken and the meal gets rolling, the service should be nearly invisible. Run -- don't walk -- from any Italian restaurant where the waitperson address the table like this:
"How you guys doin' tonight?" when ladies are seated at the table. This is most un-Italian of them. An Italian would never call a woman "guy." Even in spaghetti-and-meatballs-type places, the waiter might say, "How is everyone this evening?" The won't tarry with small talk in the white-tablecloth places, not the good ones, anyway. It is all about the meal and your comfort.
The third aspect of a great Italian restaurant is the ambiance. I don't know what it is, but Italians seem to be able to create a wonderful atmosphere anywhere. I have eaten at places in strip malls in the suburbs of Denver -- as un-romantic a setting as there is -- that come close to great. A truly outstanding Italian restaurant will just have a certain feeling from the minute you walk in the door, a warmth and a glow that can't really be described.
So the priorities are food first, service second, and a ambiance third. If all three are met, you have found a great Italian restaurant.
If you are in Queens, NY, please check out the best Italian restaurant you'll ever experience. I guarantee that you will enjoy it.

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Panettone - Taste the Italian Flavor

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Planning a get-together? Want to plan something different for your guests? Plan something special this one. Why not try something traditional which would add a touch of tradition and brilliance to the seasonable celebrations. If you are seeking a blend of the best tradition in the world, then there would be nothing better than adding panettone to your celebrations this time around.
In fact panettone is common during several special events and celebration like the Christmas. Panettone is popular in all over Italy and is commonly prepared during the Italian Christmas celebrations. It is a popular sweet which comes from Milan and offers you a refined taste of the Italian tradition and custom. Apart from the traditional flavor, you can also find other flavors of this sweet to pick your chosen flavor. For instance, Panettone is available in chocolate flavor without the usual candied fruits.
Panettone is usually served in vertical slices and can be enjoyed with sweet wines, hot cocoa, sweet liquors like the amaretto. The Italian Panettone offers a distinct taste which adds to the attraction of any celebration, whether a Christmas event or a birthday party. If any major event or celebration is round the corner, then you would definitely look for the best gifts for your loved ones. Get hold of an exclusive Italian sweet hamper that includes some traditional sweets.
When you consider the best of traditional Italian sweets then you are bound to go for Italian panettone and toroni. These are highly popular not only in Italy but all over the world during the festive season like Christmas. Made up with special care, you have more reasons to add some of best favored Italian specialties into your gift hampers. Be rest assured that you would definitely make the person happy who would be receiving the hamper.
If you are based in the US or in the UK and seeking exquisite quality Italian panettone or Italian sweets, then your best option would be to search the various online Italian websites that specialize in serving diverse delicacies. Expect to get a stock of the most distinct and exquisite quality Italian hampers from the most experienced dealers available for customer base in different parts of the world.
The holiday panettone is also a popular choice. Your best option would be the dealer that specializes in sourcing ingredients directly from Italy and also enjoys a credible delivery schedule. You can be on track to get the most distinctive and exclusive Italian hamper for the season. Like most other traditional Italian sweet products, holiday panettone is popular and can be considered among the most exclusive gifts for one to pick for the dear and near ones no matter what might be the occasion.

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Italian Accessories - Luxurious and Fashionable

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Italy. Upon reading that five letter word, what came to your mind? Was it lush country side or the Venetian canals? Was it a big plate of spaghetti or famous landmarks such as the Coliseum? Depending on lifestyles and interests, everyone will envision different things. For the daring fashionistas, images of luxe Italian accessories come bolting into their minds. Leather belts from Ferre Milano, glass jewelry from Murano, and designer handbags from Fendi - these images dance in their heads like sugarplums from The Night Before Christmas. Since these items carry such magnitude in the minds of fashion-forward people across the globe, let's explore them in further detail.
Leather craftsmanship has always been a strong suit for the Italians. With this being said, leather belts are an obvious choice for a trade in which they would far exceed the competition. One of the premier designers is Ferre Milano. These luxe belts are known for their sleek appearance and chic designs. Milano uses both slick and pebbled leather to display their mastery of textures. Exotics are also an element that is often used. Skins such as crocodile showcase Milano's high fashion taste and high society status.
Glass jewelry is another commodity for the which the Italians are famous. The most prominent, and the most important, maker of fine glass jewelry is Murano Glass. Located on the Venetian island of Murano, this little shop specializes in hand-blown glass. Some of the world's most famous celebrities have been seen wearing luxurious jewelry from this small shop. Their creations are absolutely stunning and add a hint of sophistication to any outfit.
Another important accessory that comes from the boot of Italy is the designer handbag. Other countries such as France have had their go at designing luxurious handbags, but none seem to compare to the purses that come from Italy. One of the most prominent handbag designers is Gucci. Established in Florence in 1921, it was originally a maker of fine leathers and saddlery. As time progressed, their products evolved and they began making stylish purses. One of their first huge successes was the Bamboo Bag. Interestingly, the idea for using bamboo to construct the bag came when a shortage of metal abounded through the country after World War I. This innovative idea that was only supposed to be a temporary fix left such a mark on the fashion industry and created a name for Gucci that it has since become an iconic element for the company and their products.
Another Italian handbag designer that is an example of fine craftsmanship is Fendi. The fashion house has origins in the fur and leather business. Much like Gucci, they began to expand their product lines over time and introduced their version of the handbag. Under the creative direction of Karl Lagerfield, Fendi reinvented the idea of a woman's purse by crafting unstructured bags instead of keeping to the stats quo and only offering straight lined, "stuffy" bags. In the 1990s, Fendi introduced its greatest success to date with the Baguette. After being spotted on a popular television show, their was no stopping the popularity of the bite-sized bag.
It goes without saying that Italians are the premier designers of fashion accessories. While their products are absolutely luxurious, they are a little pricey. This can pose a problem for ladies on a budget. The good news is that there are now online websites such as Queen Bee of Beverly Hills that offer these same great, authentic accessories at a discount. Now, anyone can be fashionista and do so without guilt!

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Why Italian Suits Are The Most Suitable Men's Suit For Special Occasions

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Men's suits usually determine how further a man has climbed in the corporate ladder of success. And being able to wear such wardrobe creates a wonderful feeling and a boost of self confidence especially if the people around are impressed of how you look. Since it is only worn in special occasions, knowing what type of men's suit to wear is very important especially when the variations are in style, design, fabric and cut. But among the different types of suits for men, taller men prefer suits.
Among all men's suits, Italian suits are in demand because they are meticulously made to hide the wearer's physical flaws and highlight the good points without sacrificing comfort thus, making them more noticeable in any social gatherings. In this process, the armholes are purposely designed higher, the overall shape is more streamlined, and the coat proportioned to improve the wearer's looks. Every aspect of the Italian's suit is intended to flatter the wearer. Some of the most expensive Italian mens suits are meticulously hand made by rare veteran tailor.
Italian suits have style and elegance that are unmatched by other types. As far as styles, Italian mens suits have single, double breasted, zoot suits with a single button or up to seven buttons. When it comes to colors, this type of suits for man have white, off-white, grey, black, beige, dark blue, navy blue as well as pinstripes. Also, among all other types of men's suits, it has vast range available in different types of fabrics, designs and cuts. It is recommended that it should go with medium width tie.
If you are not sure of the right style for you, choose an Italian suit with two-button which presents a classical look and always in fashion. Moreover, it fits perfectly in most body types. Though Italian suits usually come with as many as seven buttons, it is very easy to find the right one for you. In customized suits, providing extra pockets, specific fabrics and linings, and certain design, style and color can always be accommodated. The best fabrics, threads and interlinings are used thus guarantee the quality of suits for men.
In addition, Italian suits are the most appropriate wear in special occasions such as weddings, corporate celebrations, business meetings as well as job interviews. You must have at least one of these types of suit for men in your wardrobe. They are a great investment as they highlight you when you attend major events. The availability of these suits for men is in different qualities to a wide range of budgets. Since not all are can get customized suit made, off-the-shelf suits for men are much cheaper. In addition, considering this option of instant purchase skips the agonizing wait for custom suit to finish. Also, it is good for those who are looking for variations, types of fabric and styles. In addition, Italian suits lies in the ability to change from season to season while, they've become a requirement than just taste.
To sum up this article, it has been identified what makes Italian mens suits to be the preferred choice as far as suits for men. Also, the different attributes of what Italian mens suits as well as the advantages of having either custom or off-the-shelf men's suits have been stated.

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The History Of Italian Food

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
While some of the most popular dishes associated with the Italian culture include a tempting slice of pizza and a heaping plate of pasta, there is much more to the world of Italian cooking. Throughout the many regions in Italy, the distinctive cuisine of the Italians shines through in a wide-range of eating habits, styles of cooking, and selection of local ingredients. The changing of the times has also influenced Italian food, as the meals served in the pre-Roman era possess both similarities and differences in the cuisine of today.
The culinary history of Italy established a reputation more than 2,000 years ago, which includes an illustrious movement during the Roman Empire. Culturally, food preparation was quite important in the past where flashes of significance have been captured in the only surviving cookbook (Apicius), which dates back to the first century BC.
The spread of Italian food diversity began after the fall of the Roman Empire when individual city states began to uphold separate identities and traditions. Each region began to display its own unique way of cooking, right down to the formation of a meatball to the characteristic cheeses and wine produced in a locale. The north developed Tuscan beef, while black truffles were very popular in Marches. Provolone and mozzarella cheeses developed in the south, as well as a host of interesting citrus fruits.
Diverse types of bread, variations in pasta, and varying food preparation techniques also differed according to region. The southern regions of Italy embrace hard-boiled spaghetti, while the north often prefers a soft egg noodle. Milan is known for their risotto, while Bologna has a deep history regarding tortellini, and Naples is famous for their pizzas.
Over the years, Italian cuisine has greatly evolved in part because of a wealth of outside influences that have added to its characteristic flavor and appeal. In the beginning, ancient Greek cookery became an integrated part of Italian cuisine. Eventually, a wealth of imports found their way into the kitchens of early Italians, who sent Roman ships to collect a variety of important foods, including wheat, wine, exotic ingredients, and fine spices from around the world. Some ships even traveled to faraway locations, such as China, to bring back edible resources that catapulted the depth and variety of Italian cooking styles.
Coastal regions are known for their developments in delicious fish and seafood dishes. For example, the island of Sardinia supplies a more traditional and simple style of cuisine, which often incorporated delicacies, associated with the sea. Swordfish, lobster, anchovies, sardines, and other Mediterranean treats represent Italian cooking of the area. In Sicily (another island region), a great deal of the cooking drew heavily from North African influences. An Arab influence also affected cuisine on the island and within the rest of the south, especially with the introduction of various spices and sweets, such as the Sicilian ice cream cake called cassata.
As for one of the most popular Italian dishes, while the history books often state that pasta was a product of the Chinese brought back by Venetian merchant, Marco Polo, it was actually a rediscovery of a food item eaten during Etruscan and Roman times. It is believed that the first pasta in Italy was made similar to the noodles of today - from the same durum wheat - which was cooked in ovens instead of boiled in water.
Today, the differences in Italian cooking still show through in the distinctions between the north and the south. Each region still carries their own traditions in cooking that reflects deep history and culture with a never ending supply of main courses, appetizers, and desserts that continuously tempts the taste buds.

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History of Skincare Part 12: The Late Middle Ages and Italian Renaissance, 1400-1499

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Smile Like the Mona Lisa
While medieval feudalism continued throughout most of Europe, the thirteenth century saw a cultural rebirth take place in Italy. Aptly named the Renaissance, French for "rebirth," this period saw culture blossom in a way it had not since the time of the Roman Empire. In fact, the Renaissance started as a revitalization of Classical culture, inspired by the unearthing of great Roman monuments that had been buried for centuries. During this period, the citizens of Italian cities such as Florence and Rome, attempted to recreate what they believed to be authentic Classical society. They encouraged philosophy, invention and the arts and this movement gave birth to many multi-talented Renaissance Men such as Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci.
You need look no further than the art of the Renaissance to see the era's ideals of feminine beauty. Portraits show women in loose, flowing robes. Their skin is pale, their cheeks are shiny and their lips are often a deep red. The ideal Renaissance woman was somewhat voluptuous and although her dress was loose, the material was thin and clingy and revealed far more of her body than was permitted during the Middle Ages. In spite of the more revealing clothing, the face, and especially the forehead, continued to be the focal point of the body. It was also the part of the body that received the most attention in the form of skin care products and cosmetics.
An Effervescent Glow
Many materials used in the make up of this period would be considered toxic today. At the time, however, women believed that they were using natural powders and minerals to lighten their faces and give their skin an effervescent glow. As had been the case for centuries, a pale complexion was still considered a sign of wealth and beauty. While Renaissance women did not have any way to permanently bleach their skin, their skin care regimens included dusting the face with a number of white powders. White lead and chalk were still two of the most common ingredients in face powders, and some women even attempted to lighten their skin with arsenic powder.
Once the perfect pale complexion had been achieved, Italian women would apply a number of other powders to highlight their cheeks, lips and bust line. Silver mercury was often mixed with lead or chalk and brushed onto the apples of the cheeks and across the top of the chest. Vermillion, a red substance that was made from cinnabar, was used to paint the lips. While deep red lips were considered fashionable, it was also acceptable to have natural, or lightly tinted lips. Women continued to tweeze their hair lines and eyebrows in order to give themselves a smooth, expansive forehead. To combat any signs of redness or irritation, they would also rub pumice stones along the hairline.
Cleanliness: An Artistic Concern
Throughout the Renaissance, cleanliness and hygiene began to be increasingly common themes in paintings and literature. A clean body was often used as a metaphor for a clean spirit. Alternately, the latrine became a sign of filth and was often used as a metaphor for moral baseness. It is unsurprising that the citizens of Renaissance Italy were obsessed with hygiene, given that they modeled their society on the Romans, who had been legendary for their bathing rituals. Cleanliness was not only an artistic metaphor, however, but a practical concern. Italy had survived a number of plague outbreaks and staying free from germs was a matter of life and death. Additionally, many people strove to live out the philosophies that were explored in the art of the time. Frequent bathing was a sign of dignity and social distinction. These were subjects of great concern to many Renaissance artists and philosophers.
Skin care treatments during the Italian Renaissance were, in practice, very similar to what they had been throughout the Middle Ages. Bathing rituals were similar, skin care products were similar and cosmetics were similar. What had changed, however, was the attitude toward these practices. While medieval women had seen cosmetics simply as a way to appear more attractive, the women of the Renaissance strove to achieve a transcendent ideal that combined Classical philosophy and art with physical beauty and human distinction.

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Italian Noodles

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 30 Januari 2013 0 komentar
Every culture has a certain food that is consider a staple, and when it comes to the Italians it is the Italian noodle that is the food of choice. This noodle known as pasta is basically as important to the Italians as rice is to the Chinese. This food was simple to make when food was scarce, and it is to this day a good solid food that can be depended on. You will find many great types of pasta that can be used either as sides for other dishes, or they can be the main course itself. Whatever you choose to do with pasta, you can be sure that you will not disappoint.
Healthy Noodles
When it comes to healthy Italian noodles, you can actually find some great varieties these days. Many whole wheat pastas are available on the market to purchase, or if you are so inclined and talented enough you can make your own. This pasta is the same as the white or yellow variety, yet it is less heavy, and contains less starch and carbs. This whole wheat pasta comes in all of the many shapes that can be found. Pasta is something that is used in so many dishes that it is something that you cannot be without in your kitchen. From soups and salads to dishes such as lasagna and spaghetti, pasta has a large place in the Italian diet. This is something that has gone on for generations, and it is not likely to ease up any time soon.
Plethora Of Shapes And Sizes To Be Had
When it comes to Italian noodles, you can be sure that there are several styles and shapes to choose from. The Italians are like inventors when it comes to Pasta, as they can forge new shapes seemingly at will. The tool and die makers for the pasta machines, have a great deal of experience when it comes to making molds for the pasta they envision. These noodles are used for so m any different recipes, it is actually understandable why the Italians would even need so many different shapes of pasta. Depending on the size of the dish, you can see pasta shapes that are so tiny they are just visible, all the way up to shells that are as large as a baseball. Whatever the occasion, you can be sure that there is pasta that will meet the needs.
A Good Filling Dish
One thing you will definitely not have to worry about when it comes to Italian noodles is that you will never walk away from the table hungry. There are so many large pasta dishes available today, that you are going to struggle to choose what you want to dine on. When you are finished however, you can be sure that you are not going to walk away from the table unsatisfied. Italian pasta is an excellent way to fill the belly, and you are going to love each and every bite.

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Eating the Italian Way

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Food is everything in Italy, it's what brings the family together to sit a round a table after a long day working or at the beach. Meal times are where extended families will sit for hours discussing life, family matters, Italian politics (always popular) and the world as a whole.
Whenever I go to Italy I love sitting down with my immediate family to eat, the whole process is different to what we do at home in England. There may still be five of us sat around a table but it's not the same. Meal times are a relaxed affair in Italy, you don't feel the urge to eat your meal down as quickly as possible so you can rush off to do something else. The food is brought to the table at a more leisurely pace, eaten slower and after the meal we all hang around and talk.
Similarly in an restaurant in Italy it's not uncommon to see people sat at there table for hours after they've finished eating and holding court with the family or as most restaurants in Italy will have a television on it's not un common to see finished diners still sat their table watching and discussing the latest Italian quiz show.
When we have a big family gathering we start the preparation hours in advance of the first guest arriving and when the first person does arrive they're usually armed with more food that needs preparing. It's not until everyone arrives that the event gets underway, it's an un-written rule that until all the guests have arrived and all food prepared that anyone can get in the mood to enjoy themselves. This is of course except for the children who run around getting under everyone's feet and pinching salami and cheese from the table when the adults aren't looking.
When you finally sit down for the meal it's usually a very long, relaxed and drawn out process. Italians think nothing of sitting down to a meal of in excess of 10 courses eaten over 3 hours, the bigger the family gathering the more courses there will be as everyone usually brings something with them to add to the table. This will always be good traditional home-made Italian food. Granted the courses are generally rather small and are usually served on large platters in the centre of the table for everyone to dig into. If you've never experienced this before the trick is not too get too over confident on the fist few courses as there will always be another course further down the line that you'll regret not having space for.
The courses usually consist of cheese and salami, pickles, vegetables, one or two fish dishes, a couple of meat courses, cheese again and dessert. All of these are washed down with lots of wine or beer over the course of an afternoon or evening.
There is always something going on at an Italian dinner table and I've never known a quiet Italian dinner table. The females of the family are usually rushing back and to from the kitchen with more trays of food, the older men are sat at the head of the table discussing the old days, the younger generation, competing to be heard sit around the centre of the table discussing the state of the world and the children do what children do.
As the meal reaches it's finale a few people may saunter off to relax but generally everyone stays around the table with conversations going on for hours or maybe a game or two of scopa, a traditional Italian card game.
At the end of the meal you are generally exhausted and unable to eat a single thing, but at night you'll sleep well and be as relaxed as you've ever been before.
I try to pass on my musings on life and experiences in a way that people may find interesting to read.

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How to Speak Italian Fluently

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Are you looking for some ways to become a fluent Italian speaker? If so, read on, because this article is for people who want to speak fluent Italian. I'm going to show you three things that you should do to achieve this goal. Here they are!
1. Interact with Italian speakers
You can use the Internet or search for some Italian speakers in your area (or travel to Italy). If you want to interact online, look for Italian message boards, chats, social networking sites or look for a language partner on sites such as Italki or Livemocha.
2. Use Italian, don't study it
You shouldn't "study" a language, you should "learn and practice" or "use" it. This means that it's better to spend a few hours interacting with native speakers than learning grammar rules. Stop studying and start immersing yourself in Italian. This is the best way to learn to speak Italian fluently.
3. Learn about the Italian culture
You can improve your knowledge and your Italian skills at the same time. How? Watch Italian movies, listen to Italian music, read about Italian history (of course in Italian!). You can't separate a language from a culture.
That's it - three tips on how to speak Italian fluently. Don't forget that if you are really serious about your Italian skills, you need to develop a habit to practice every single day for at least an hour or two.
Thanks to this, you can become fluent even in a few months, especially if you already speak some basic Italian or if you know another Romance language. Don't forget that it's all a matter of a regular practice and there's no magic pill.

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How to Make Authentic 'Pasta Asciutta,' (Italian Tomato Sauce) to Eat With Pasta

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
In the South of Italy, there are variations on the recipe for making the tomato sauce that goes with Pasta. Here is a recipe, given to me by my Italian Mother in Law, who comes from Messina in Sicily. The tomato sauce can be eaten on its own with spaghetti, or used as a base for many of the other Pasta dishes that are eaten by Italian families. This recipe has been passed down through the generations from daughter to daughter, (Italian men rarely cook) and is as good today as it has always been.
Step one. Take one large onion. Cover the bottom of a pan with virgin olive oil. Peel and chop the onion and place in the olive oil, adding one teaspoon of salt. Fry the onion gently until it begins to go brown, then add a cup of water and continue to boil, stirring from time to time. As the mixture in the pan reduces, add more water until the onion is colourless and almost dissolved.
Step two. While you are reducing the onion, you can either peel about fifteen medium tomatoes, or open a tin of ready peeled Italian tomatoes. The difference to me is minimal between real or tinned tomatoes, and my Mother in Law uses both, depending on the season. Peel one medium carrot, and slice a piece of braising or frying Beef into several medium cubes.
Step three. Add the tomatoes to the onion sauce that has been reduced, and using a cheese grater finely grate the whole carrot into the mixture. Add the cubes of beef and a couple of cups of water, and simmer gently for about forty minutes to an hour. Stir the mixture occasionally, and add some more water if it gets too thick. The sauce should be the consistency of yogurt.
When the sauce is ready, take the beef cubes out and put to one side; they can be eaten later, and will be lovely and tender.
Boil the spaghetti until cooked and drain away the water, leaving the spaghetti in the pan. Add the sauce into the pan and mix. Serve with finely grated parmesan cheese and a good white wine.
This is the basic recipe for simple 'pasta asciutta,' which in English, is translated as Pasta with tomato sauce; this is the staple diet of Southern Italy, and is the basic sauce for many other dishes, which I will be writing about in future articles. Enjoy your meal.

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How To Throw The Best Italian Dinner Party Ever

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
You walk into an Italian Restaurant - the whole experience is just wonderful - the smells, the atmosphere and hopefully when your order is delivered - the food. The background noise is all a part of the experience - it's often at a higher frequency than most restaurants but it's all part of the fun.
Why not take this same experience back to your own home and create a more intimate and less busy Italian dinner party? A dinner where people can enjoy a more leisurely dining experience within the comfort of your own home. A night where you can share your favorite Italian recipes with people who are important to you - or maybe even try out some new recipes?
Italian food never seems to lose its popularity. There's often a feeling of comfort and contentment attached to Italian food and the flavors are simply sensational. So, just how do you host a great Italian dinner party then?
1. Planning - In your planning, consider who you will invite and check the foods that they don't like or can't tolerate and set the date and time well in advance.
2. Invitations - Will you just invite your friends by sending them an email or can you do something a bit more creative with your invitation? You could attach a note to something very Italian. I saw a suggestion of sending the invitation attached to a small packet of biscotti or you could incorporate the colors of the Italian flag as the background (three vertical columns - green on the left, white in the middle and red on the left) on your invite.
3. Atmosphere - Do you want red and white checkered table cloths with chianti bottles as candle holders with wax dripping down the sides - just to give it that really authentic look? Or a plain white, red or green table cloth?
Try to get hold of some background Italian music like some opera for example. Some of Italy's best singers generally have included Enrico Caruso, Luciano Pavarotti, Andrea Bocelli, Mina and Claudio Villa.
4. Food - since Italians are renowned for taking great pleasure in their food, wine and the company of their friends dinners can often go on for hours. Italians see meals as a time to spend with family and friends instead of to gain immediate sustenance.
The number of courses served can range from three to six courses (called portate) or sometimes more courses!
You'll no doubt have some lovely smells permeating into the house before your guests arrive - you could also slowly bake some garlic bread in the oven so the smell is wafting through the house as your guests arrive. This will really let your guests know they've come to the right place!
You could start with antipasto which literally means "before the meal". This is also the traditional first course of a formal Italian meal.
Rather than hors devours offered on trays that guests enjoy before they are seated at the dinner table, antipasto is served at the table and signifies the beginning of your Italian meal together. An antipasto plate is usually placed at the center of the table. The antipasto dish doesn't even getting numbered as one of the courses.. it's just a given.
Diners are given small plates on which to place their choices. Traditional choices can include cured meats (prosciuito, mortadella, smoked ham and salami), marinated vegetables, olives, peperoni (marinated small peppers - not the meat called peperoni) along with an assortment of cheeses (like provolone, bocconicini and mozzarella).
The first course primo piatto (also referred to as simply primo) or minestra may consist of soup (minestroni perhaps?), pasta, gnocci, risotto or polenta - this should only be a small portion like a cup or so. This is a dish rich in carbohydrates.
The second or main course is called secondo piatto or piatto di mezzo which usually consists or fish or meat. Traditionally veal, pork and chicken are the most commonly used meat, at least in the North.
The side dish is called contorno and may consist of a salad or cooked vegetables. A traditional menu features salad along with the main course.
The first dessert which consists of cheese and fruit is called Formaggio and frutta - the cheese and fruit is usually served together.
Then it's onto Dolce - dessert such as cakes or cookies.
You should also serve coffee/espresso known as Caffè.
Finally, Digestivo or "digestives" which are liquors/liqueurs like grappa, amaro or limoncello - sometimes referred to as "coffee killer" or ammazzacaffe.
All these dishes sound great and I imagine when people see the number of courses it may seem a bit daunting but you only need serve as many courses as you choose. I have discovered a great website hosting 3000 free recipes from around the world. Under Italian, I noticed they offered 217 recipes so I'm sure you can find all you need there.

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The Famous Italian Pasta Recipe: Harmful Or Healthy?

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Pasta Recipes are one of the most famous Italian recipes that are widely appreciated all across the world. However, people usually get confused over a question that is pasta a harmful or a healthy recipe. One of the biggest myths is that pasta is a fattening dish as it is rich in carbohydrates, which is considered to be very fatty.
People following a healthy diet plan these days try to avoid carbohydrates while thinking that are fatty. However, this does not have to be true every time. On the contrary of this general belief, carbohydrate is actually very important for a human body to run smoothly. Crabs are also important for energizing the body with its rich glucose contents. Diet experts even suggest not following low-carb diet for very long time as it might end up with various general health problems. Therefore, pasta recipes actually have some healthy contents in the form of carbohydrates. However, one should not consume too much carbs as in that case it might be fattening for the body.
The approximate calorie count of a regular pasta recipe would be somewhere around 200 calories per cup of pastas. The one thing that can make the pasta a little unhealthy is the pasta sauce. Most of the pasta sauces are made up of various fatty ingredients such as creams, cheese and fatty meats. All these ingredients can truly make any recipe extra fattening or unhealthy. The most healthy and light pasta sauce is the tomato sauce. People usually tend to eat more than required quantity of pasta to fill up. But, it is really important to have some basic control while eating pastas in order to control calorie count.
Pasta recipes are usually classified under the same category as we do with cakes, pastries and white breads. All these foods are known for containing too much carbs, which ultimately make the dish extremely fatty and unhealthy. Extra fatty recipes can easily increase your blood sugar level along with many other serious health issues.
On the brighter side, the Glycemic Index (GI) of pasta recipe is very low in comparison to various breads. It is only 41. However, you can even lower the GI level by using only Italian - "al dente" pastas. Further, one should also try to consume only homemade pasta recipes since they are healthier than others. Pasta recipe made at home can be rich in other nutrients such as B vitamins, folic acid and iron. This can be done by using only healthy ingredients while making your own healthy pasta at home.

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Create A Romantic Bedroom With Beautiful Italian Furniture

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With the bedroom being an especially romantic area of the home, it's fitting to think about incorporating Italian furniture into the bedroom to create an elegant look. Italian designer furniture incorporates all sorts of stunning items that will give any bedroom a sensuous and comfortable look you will want to immerse yourself in at the end of a long working day.
If you're thinking of Italian bedroom furniture for your wardrobes and chests of drawers, then you will find a wonderful array to choose from. Some modern Italian furniture for the bedroom is really sleek and contemporary and will fit just as well into a bachelor pad as it would a family home. There are also various pieces of more unusual Italian designer furniture that you could incorporate into your bedroom. In addition to the usual key pieces of furniture, why not think of including a chaise longue to give an incredible feeling of luxury and romance?
A bedroom is a place for pure indulgence and the most striking designer Italian furniture is perfect for your little retreat. From the bed itself to bedside tables, chest of drawers and dressing tables, modern Italian furniture can really have an impact.
Romance and opulence is de rigueur for the bedroom and striking Italian furniture can provide the look perfectly. For the ultimate in luxurious and comfortable beds, Italian bedroom furniture is second to none. When you complement this stunning centrepiece with all the occasional furniture and other harmonizing accessories that you can find, you'll soon create a wonderfully beautiful haven in which to retreat from the outside world.
Although Italian designer furniture is ideal for many rooms in the home, there is nowhere which benefits from its unique style than the bedroom. If you prefer a more opulent style of Italian furniture then you will be delighted at what's available, and you can highlight the grand nature of these items by adding some luxurious fabrics and cushions into the mix. If your personal style is of a more understated nature, then modern Italian furniture will provide the look that you aspire to have - look out for simple and sleek items in black or white, which are unfussy and create a streamlined and subtle effect. What is clear is that in today's ever increasing retail and online marketplace, there's a wealth of stunning modern Italian furniture to choose from which will enhance your home beautifully.

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Johnny Carino's Italian Grill - What RE Investors Should Know

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Johnny Carino's Grill is a fast growing franchised, casual dining restaurant with about 170 locations in 30 states, Bahrain, Kuwait, Egypt, and United Arab Emirates as of 2008. It is a full-serviced and serves Southern Italy cuisine with pizza, pasta, shrimp, beef, chicken, and pork. Most of the dishes are between $10-20. The brand and restaurant concept are owned by Fired Up, Inc. founded in 1997, and headquartered in Austin, TX. Fired Up owns about 50% of the restaurants and the rest is owned by franchisees. In 2007, Fired Up changed the name from Johnny Carino's Country Italian to Johnny Carino's Italian Grill to highlight its open kitchens and open-flame grills. The official website is Johnny Carino's is expanding very rapidly in California with 15 locations now. It currently has development agreement with 15 franchise partners to expand the restaurant chain to more than 490 locations worldwide.
Property & Location
A typical new Johnny Carino's restaurant is a custom-built, tile-roof, free standing, and distinctly-designed Tuscan farmhouse building with a few different models, each about 6500 SF on 1.5 acres lot. You will normally find Johnny Carino's in the suburb or new & growing area but not in down town area or established area with no developable land. The restaurant is often in highly-visible prime location with heavy traffic: main artery, corner lot, near or in front of a major shopping center or mall. Fired Up works with about 20 developers to build new restaurants. Once the restaurants are in operation for a few years, it then sells the real estate and lease back the property. This way the company can get the capital to expand further.
Johnny Carino's as a tenant
The tenant often signs a 20 years absolute triple-net lease with 10% rent increase for every 5 years. When a property has a lease with corporate guarantee from Fired Up, the rent increase is more conservative, e.g. 1% annually. The revenue per location is in the $2.5-3M range in the first year which is very decent. The building is often priced between $2.5-4M and offers 7.25% to 7.5% cap.
Despite the fact the franchise is expanding rapidly, it did close down a few locations recently, e.g. 3 locations in Florida in 2007 and 1 location so far in Hampton, VA in 2008. This is not all that unusual in the restaurant business.

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Modern Italian Bedroom Furniture

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Italian furniture designs are elegant and versatile. Their timeless beauty can go well with any style of home decorations and home accessories. This is why modern Italian bedroom furniture pieces are very well-admired by many homeowners. Italian furniture designs have been ruling the furniture industry business all over the globe for many generations now.
With today's latest innovations of modern Italian design of furniture pieces, they are not just suitable for big homes. Today, you can find many exceptional varieties of modern Italian designs that are even perfect for small homes like apartments or condominiums. These modern bedroom furniture pieces are flexible and durable.
There are a lot of modern bedroom furniture items that you can choose to furnish your bedroom space. You can choose from the many types, sizes, shapes and designs of beds. You can find one that will surely suit your bedroom space, as well as your own personal preferences.
Hiring professional interior decorators or designers can help you in choosing the perfect bedroom furniture pieces for you. They can give you advice and suggestions on which style of bedroom furniture is suitable for your bedroom space, together with the right accessories and decorations that will make your bedroom a lot more appealing. They also know where to buy good quality and reasonably priced modern Italian bedroom furniture pieces.
If you don't want to get professional help, you can do your own designing and decorating, as well. It is not too hard, as long as you know and understand the art of bedroom decorating. You can get some ideas online. It's easy and convenient for you, because all you have to do is browse on the net and you can get all the information you need in an instant. You'll get ideas on how to mix and match different styles of furniture and how to combine different colors.
Modern Italian designs are so versatile, which make them blend beautifully well with other styles of home furnishings. Aside from that, they are made from high quality materials that make them very durable. They are made from high-quality natural woods, steel, glass and many other excellent furniture materials.
You can obviously make a distinction between Modern Italian bedroom furniture and the other types of bedroom furniture available in the furniture stores today. You have to keep in mind that there are a lot of imitations of leather made beds. If you are not familiar with the distinctive characters of genuine leather, you can ask assistance from your family and friends if they are knowledgeable when it comes to leather materials.
The bedroom is the place in our homes where we spend time to relax, rest, sleep or just to hide away from our busy lifestyles. That is why it is important that we have furniture pieces in our bedroom that can give us comfort and style. With the vast varieties of bedroom furniture you can find in the market today, you can easily find furniture pieces that can give you both.
Just make sure that you only buy from reputable modern Italian bedroom furniture stores. There are a lot of furniture stores, be it online or your local furniture stores who are selling low quality furniture items. Be careful about this and make sure that you are getting your money's worth.

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Dress Shoes That Are Made From Italian Leather Carry A Hefty Price But Are Worth It

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I am sure that everybody has seen a few pair of shoes in their lifetime that made their jaws drop to the floor when looking at the hefty price tag that is associated with them. The increased price is sometimes solely associated with the shoe being manufactured by a designer name brand; however, there is often a small likelihood that the increase price is due to the pair of shoes being made from a better material. Casual dress shoes that are made from Italian leather carry this larger-than-average price tag; however, the increase in price can easily be attributed to the increased durability and quality that fine Italian leather offers. This article is not geared towards selling you specific products or promoting certain brand names; however, it is devoted to informing you about the two most popular reasons that people choose to purchase a pair of dress shoes that are made from Italian leather. Incorporate them effectively, and you will surely purchase a pair of dress shoes that will allow you to be satisfied for years to come!
Any Shoes That Are Made From Italian Leather Offer Increased Durability
Although many people worry about the scuff marks that appear on their dress shoes after wearing them a few times, those marks can easily be removed or covered up with some shoe polish. Things that cannot be simply polished over are wrinkles and tears in the material. Choosing Italian leather casual dress shoes will allow you to wear them for years without experiencing any wrinkles or tears. This is simply because the manufacturers of the material place a lot more emphasis on the durability, which translates to higher cost for the retailer, which then translates to an increased cost for the consumer. You may pay a substantial amount of extra dollars for the actual pair of dress shoes, but they will surely outlast any other pair that you have in mind.
Italian Leather Models Are generally More Comfortable
You may be wondering how a pair of Italian leather dress shoes would be more comfortable than the pairs that are made by other materials; however, the simplest answer to this question would be their enhanced flexibility allows them to present a higher degree of comfort. With more flexibility, your feet will be able to breathe and move more than they would be able to in any other pair of shoes. This extra flexibility will ultimately allow you to feel more comfortable when you are wearing them; considering the fact that you may be wearing the shoes for hours on end, the extra comfort would definitely be appreciated by your feet!

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Let Me Share My Experience With Italian Flirting Men

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We have heard and seen Italian flirting men. Italian men are simply without description, they could easily write the flirting bible. There is something about them that always makes women from all over the world want to fall in love. It might be their masculine looks or gentle nature, whatever it is, it sure is good. Many articles have been written about the flirty men and, it is all in praise of their awesome skills.
Let me start by saying that they are very blessed in terms of looks. Most men who are good looking are not as half as sexy as Italians men. Therefore, let us explore more on their traits and you never know, our men might learn a thing or two. First, there is a misconception that only Italian actors are gifted flirting beings. The truth is Italian flirting is a bug that will be found with almost all the Latin men. The first thing they are said to be is gentle and nice. This may sound like no secret at all. In actual fact, it is no secret.
The only reason why the Italian flirting men stand out is because they are able to demonstrate the virtue to a woman and execute it in the most natural way. Italian flirting men are not afraid to look weak and sensitive. This is their greatest strength. As we continue to learn more about the gurus of flirting, why don't we consider our attitude? Attitude goes a very long way to ensure that any flirt works. Nothing announces a positive attitude more, than a good sincere smile. Italian flirting for men will not be complete until they show those white canines to the female folk. This is a huge attraction to women. A man must show you that all is well and, that they are actually glad to be in your presence. These lessons may appear to be ones that we have learnt already but, as you may have realized; there are no new rules to flirting. The only thing is to make sure you put in practice what you already know.
Another Italian flirting move that manages to drive women insane is their eyes. Deep dark eyes gazing lovingly at you will definitely send shivers down your spine. An Italian man is known to hold a gaze for as long as it does the work intended. Therefore gentlemen, master the art of eye contact flirting if you want the same praise to come to you. Taking time to think of what your partner would like makes all the difference. Another thing that I want to mention about the Italian man is that he has a great sense of style. This is probably why women are head over heels in love with them. They are able to appreciate beauty in an artistic way. Take time to smell a rose if you want to make a similar impression. Have a light approach to life and love it. I could go on describing the Italian flirt but, there is not enough space to do so. They are simply sent from above.

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Italian Designer Ceiling Lights and Table Lamps

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Lighting is a big necessity in homes, offices, apartments, hotels and other buildings. Choosing the right brand can sometimes be tricky and ultimately boils down to one's preference. However, among the more well-known brands, you can always choose from Artemide, Flos and Foscarini. Their showrooms stretch to many countries, signifying the strength of their brands. Though more expensive, fine quality is what you're guaranteed when you buy their products. An Italian-based brand, Artemide specializes in manufacturing top class lighting products like ceiling lights, table lamps, wall lamps and floor lamps. The twist is that all these products have been designed by famous and international designers. Whether for the German inhabitants, or for the people in other countries, you might want to check out their online stores through the website.
Contemporary Italian lighting company, Flos, offers the best in modern lighting with an innovative look. When you are looking for modern, contemporary designs when it come to illuminating the homes or offices, what you are looking for may not only be for ceiling lights, table lamps that are soothing your eyes, one's spirits should be lifted too. So, relax, because Artemide is just the right choice as they take so much care to try and meet the requirements of the needs of various users. Another Italian brand, Foscarini, is renowned for its attention to detail, material and designs. Some of its more contemporary designs include the blob lamp, Tress table lamp and the Alegretto Suspension, a pendant light. The Fly-Fly is another of its diverse range of ceiling lights which provides 360 degrees of lighting. Dealers that sell Foscarini products in Germany.
You need to remember that such big brands of table lamps will not be sold in just any store so you need to approach certain dealers or showrooms if you want to purchase any. Although the Italian lighting fixtures don't come cheap, surely when you are looking for quality as well as the assortment of brands they have to offer, one need not worry about the loosening of one's purse-strings. Whether the ceiling lights or table lamps, their designs and constant endeavor to produce world-class products makes it worthwhile as their ideas are not only confined to homes but to hotels and big businesses throughout the globe. A one stop solution is what you are surely looking for, isn't it?For the indoor lighting of your home, you can have wall lights, wall lights, floor lamps and table lamps.wall lights are very essential. They draw attention to the main features of your room. Venezina, Artemide, Foscarini, Philips, are a few of the top brands for wall lights.
An Italian-based brand, Artemide specializes in manufacturing top class lighting products like ceiling lights, table lamps, wall lamps and floor lamps. You need to remember that such big brands of table lamps will not be sold in just any store so you need to approach certain dealers or showrooms if you want to purchase any.

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New Novel Offers Italian Boy's Perspective on World War II

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Susan Violante's "Innocent War" is a surprising look at World War II from the perspective of a young Italian boy growing up in Libya and Sicily, a boy who happens to be the author's father. Violante has written this novel based on recordings made by her father about his life, recordings that surprised her and made her see her father in a new way. And she found her father's story so interesting that she decided to share it with others, as she states in the Foreword: "I wrote a book to get to know my father, and in the process I got to know myself. This didn't come without hardship, loneliness, disappointment, and frustration as I set myself to break the circle of silence between parents and their sons and daughters." Furthermore, Violante has dedicated the book to "my parents and to those who, during their childhood, were cheated, lied to, and cowardly abused by those who promote false ideals; and that once they had discovered the truth were able to react and learn to build a new life."
The false ideals and lies she refers to become apparent in this tale of Nino, a ten to fifteen year old boy from 1940-1945, who goes from looking forward to the day he can wear an Italian soldier's uniform to realizing everything he has been taught in his textbooks at school about Americans has been lies. As the war progresses, he will come to meet American soldiers and realize how the war has destroyed lives.
I found "Innocent War" to be refreshing because while I've read lots of books about World War II that focus on the war in Britain, Germany, France, and even Italy, this book takes place largely in Libya, and then later in Sicily. Nino lives through the bombing of Tripoli and then moves with his mother and little sister to Zaitan where his dad is helping to dig a trench to stop invasions by the Allied forces. Later, the Italians in Tripoli are evacuated to Sicily where they experience more bombings and eventually the American invasion.
While World War II is central to the novel, "Innocent War" is also a coming-of-age story of a boy undergoing puberty and learning how to be a man, feeling his first desires for women, wanting to defend his mother and sister, and experiencing loss through his Jewish neighbors being taken away and his friends being killed in bombings. A journey through the desert on a camel, a sandstorm, constant air attacks and fears of invasion, and finally Nino's learning to build his own detonators all provide plenty of variety and excitement throughout the book. I regretted only that the book ended without telling more of Nino's story-but a sequel is coming. Even the occasional typos did not distract me from reading the entire book in one morning and being left wanting more.
As a writer of historical fiction myself who often draws on family history, I found "Innocent War" to be a compelling start to what is a planned series of books about Violante's father-the "Behind an Immigrant's Past Series." Since Violante was born in Venezuela, I can only assume that future books will tell how her father left Sicily and made his way to South America and eventually to the United States. Centuries after the first immigrants came to these shores, the immigrant experience remains a fascinating and integral part of America's past and present as it shapes who we are as Americans, and Violante's book adds to our understanding of that experience. I look forward to her future volumes.

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Battle of the Best Language Course Italian Programs - Rocket Vs Rosetta Stone

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The availability of computer software programs teaching language course Italian makes it more convenient for everyone to learn one of the most popular and beautiful language in the world. Not only that, they offer a cost effective alternative to actual language courses, which demand more time and money to actually learn a language. Right at the comfort of your home, programs like Rosetta Stone and Rocket, the market's top language course software packs, made it possible for you to learn this new language on the go. This review aims to guide people in picking the better suited program; the Rocket Italian language courses or Rosetta Stone course Italian computer software?
On Language Teaching Features
Rosetta Stone is one of the easiest to use software programs when it comes to teaching this European language. It simplifies the learning process not putting more focus on grammar rules and memorization of grammar list, like traditional language classes do. It creates an immersion environment where you can learn to associate words with images, the same way that you learned to speak English as a child. This computer course uses image-word association, which is more effective in increasing retention and in offering a more engaging and intuitive learning experience.
Rocket Language Program
On the other hand, Rocket Italian language courses takes the more traditional language course teaching format where audio lessons will take you through conversational situation.
Instead of image associations, it uses memory and matching games to help you learn and retain vocabulary in a lot more fun and exciting ways. It basically lives up to the definition of what an interactive audio course must be. With its audio-intensive instructions, Rocket is more than 12 hours of audio CD instructions and lessons with game drills that will test your listening, vocabulary and speech.
Pros and Cons
With side-by-side comparison, Rosetta Stone language pack seems to lack the variety of fun learning tools that Rocket offers. However, it uses the ones it has at full extent to give you the fundamentals of learning this new language. Surprisingly, it works well, particularly among beginners as its speech recognition system immediately gives feedback on the accent and pronunciation to instantly correct your mistakes and hasten your learning progress.
With Rocket Italian language courses, the goal is simple - learn the language fast! It keeps you engaged and interested though its 30+ language teaching discussions by using text, audio and visual aids, which allows you to immerse into the language and speak like a native. Through its MegaAudio, MegaCards and MegaVocab games, it helps you to experience the language in a variety of ways so you will not get bored and lose interest with learning. It provides quizzes, as a way of monitoring your learning progress.
The strongest feature of Rosetta Stone is its speech recognition system. With Rocket Italian language courses, it could be its structured language lessons and fun games that are offered at under $100 value. When Rosetta Stone course Italian did not provide web-based support options, Rocket gives you a lifetime membership on its learning support forums.
If a less traditional yet structured method of learning works for you then Rosetta Stone course Italian must be your choice. If you are more inclined with computer games or simply wanted supplemental learning materials for your language class, then Rocket would fit nicely. But at Rosetta's $200+ value against Rocket's $99 price tag, Rocket Italian language courses seems to offers a great valued solution to people's need for budget yet effective Italian language courses.

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