Top 10 Super Hot Wallpapers of Models Mileena Hayes, Sexy & Bikini Girls Mileena Hayes
Rabu, 23 Mei 2012
Mileena Hayes, the quintessential hardworking model, Mileena Hayes has been intimately involved with the entertainment industry since age 14. I featured my lingerie line in a few fashion shows and after each show I would walk out at the end with all the models. Before I knew it, people started approaching me to model. After a few requests, I decided to give it a try.
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Supermodels are highly paid, high profile fashion models. These (usually female) celebrities appear on top fashion magazine covers and in fashion shows. Much more importantly, in financial terms, their appearance in advertising can amount to an endorsement, attracting far greater rewards, especially when they conclude deals to advertise a brand exclusively, as "the face" of that brand.
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Judul: Top 10 Super Hot Wallpapers of Models Mileena Hayes, Sexy & Bikini Girls Mileena Hayes
Ditulis oleh Unknown
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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