8 Weeks!

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 27 Januari 2009 0 komentar

Chris and I went for our first ultrasound today. I think the hardest part was consuming 32 oz of water in an hour and not being able to pee, but it was definitely worth it. As you can see, he or she is but a little tiny blob amidst a sea of...whatever is in there. In the middle of that little blob, we could see a tiny little heartbeat. It was incredible to see, and we both keep looking at this photo on our fridge and thinking about what a miracle life is...that God has this little one's life in His hands already. Wow.

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New Year, New Beginnings!

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 08 Januari 2009 0 komentar
I think it's safe to say that 2009 will be the most life-changing and busiest year of our lives as of yet. Over the Christmas holidays two sets of people extremely close to us got engaged and we are in both wedding parties. And, on January 1st we learned that we are going to be parents. That sounds so strange to say - PARENTS. Yikes!

On New Years Day morning, I got up before Chris was awake and peed on the stick. I honestly had my doubts, because I didn't feel super different, but there was just something that made me think to take it. So, I while I was waiting I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and took a peek. There it was - that extra little line, indicating that that were was indeed life inside me. Even when I saw that it didn't seem real...I didn't feel sick or anything!

Two days later we went to the doctor (the fourth walk in clinic that day that wasn't closed, full, or had a two hour wait) and he confirmed it with another test, and for some reason it seemed more real. It has now been almost a week since we've known about this and now I'm feeling a bit of the nausea and I feel like I'm always hungry. I know I'm in for a lot more!

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Orgasmic Women Walk Differently

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 06 Januari 2009 0 komentar
A woman's ability to enjoy sex shows up in her gait. A new study found that trained sexologists could infer a woman's history of vaginal orgasm by observing the way she walks. The study is published in the September 2008 issue of The Journal of Sexual Medicine, the official journal of the International Society for Sexual Medicine and the International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health.

Led by Stuart Brody of the University of the West of Scotland in collaboration with colleagues in Belgium, the study involved 16 female Belgian university students. Subjects completed a questionnaire on their sexual behavior and were then videotaped from a distance while walking in a public place. The videotapes were rated by two professors of sexology and two research assistants trained in the functional sexological approach to sexology, who were not aware of the women's orgasmic history.

The results showed that the appropriately trained sexologists were able to correctly infer vaginal orgasm through watching the way the women walked over 80 percent of the time. Further analysis revealed that the sum of stride length and vertebral rotation was greater for the vaginally orgasmic women. "This could reflect the free, unblocked energetic flow from the legs through the pelvis to the spine," the authors note.

There are several plausible explanations for the results shown by this study. One possibility is that a woman's anatomical features may predispose her to greater or lesser tendency to experience vaginal orgasm. According to Brody, "Blocked pelvic muscles, which might be associated with psychosexual impairments, could both impair vaginal orgasmic response and gait." In addition, vaginally orgasmic women may feel more confident about their sexuality, which might be reflected in their gait. "Such confidence might also be related to the relationship(s) that a woman has had, given the finding that specifically penile-vaginal orgasm is associated with indices of better relationship quality," the authors state. Research has linked vaginal orgasm to better mental health.

The study provides some support for assumptions of a link between muscle blocks and sexual function, according to the authors. They conclude that it may lend credibility to the idea of incorporating training in movement, breathing and muscle patterns into the treatment of sexual dysfunction.

Will training a woman in how to walk increase her sexual pleasure ? Or does the different walk flow from differences in muscle and bone structure or perhaps differences in their nervous system that sexual responses ? I'm going to guess that there's a big genetic component to how men and women walk.

By Randall Parker

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Why Do Women Cry During an Orgasm ? At Last – The Real Reason for Men Who Want to Know

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I can't begin to tell you how many times I've been asked why women cry during an orgasm! It seems like such a strange phenomena to men but ask any woman, and she'll give you enough reasons to fill a small loose leaf binder, and fast. The real truth is that there are a number of different reasons why a woman can have a profoundly emotional experience during the throes of intense intimacy, but the good news is that MOST of those reasons are good! And if you've had a lot of different partners in your life, ( or plan to ) the truth that you WILL eventually find one who cries either before, during or AFTER orgasm! Let's look at some of the more common reasons below.

Women are Emotional Creatures, and the Orgasm is an Emotional Experience

Men simply don't experience orgasm the very same way as we do, therefore they are FAR more likely to feel JUST the physical phenomena that correlates with the experience. Alternatively, women simply FEEL the intensity of this sort of intimate release in ways that FAR transcend the physical, which brings a flood of all kinds of things to the surface....including tears of emotion. Which is usually a sign she's feeling close to you to boot.

But sometimes it can be......

A sign of guilt! Or shame. Or even embarrassment. Everyone has their own "stuff" and baggage, and often times crying during orgasm is a sign that she may have issues regarding any of the above. Do you know her well? Are you in an exclusive relationship....or might she also be intimate with someone else? Often times women have guilt issues as they pertain to sexuality, and this sort of response is a textbook reaction to not feeling worthy of having had a VERY pleasurable sexual experience.

As always...the KEY is to ask and find out! Trust me, nothing is sexier than a man who wants to know.

And One Last thing.....Remember

Women admit that they would prefer a man who COMMUNICATES passionately during sex ( which means she wants a little lusty dialogue, they want you to learn the landscape a bit better ( understand her body ) and they PREFER a man who has a powerful anatomy ( a thicker penis is preferable ) You can improve all three of these with JUST a little effort and in my experience, the REWARDS they offer are EACH worth their weight in earth shaking orgasmic gold.

The above information thankfully comes from the dosupersex.blogspot.com at the following link.

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Women Have "No Emotional Feelings" During Orgasm, Say Neuroscientists

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Neuroscientists trying to untangle the riddle of desire and sexual pleasure in the brain have discovered something that turns conventional wisdom on its head. Though most people believe that men are less emotional about sex than women are, the neurology of orgasm says otherwise, at least according to an intriguing article in Scientific American. During orgasm, men experience heightened activity in the emotion processing centers of the brain. But women's brains, say researchers, are shut down in emotion-processing regions during arousal and orgasm.

Scientific American's Martin Portner writes :

Looking at the brains of orgasm men using a PET scanner, scientists also saw heightened activity in brain regions involved in memory-related imagery and in vision itself, perhaps because the volunteers used visual imagery to hasten orgasm. The anterior part of the cerebellum also switched into high gear. The cerebellum has long been labeled the coordinator of motor behaviors but has more recently revealed its role in emotional processing. Thus, the cerebellum could be the seat of the emotional components of orgasm in men, perhaps helping to coordinate those emotions with planned behaviors. The amygdala, the brain's center of vigilance and sometimes fear, showed a decline in activity at ejaculation, a probable sign of decreasing vigilance during sexual performance.

To find out whether orgasm looks similar in the female brain, neuroscientist Gert Holstege's team asked the male partners of 12 women to stimulate their partner's clitoris the site whose excitation most easily leads to orgasm until she climaxed, again inside a PET scanner. Not surprisingly, the team reported in 2006, clitoral stimulation by itself led to activation in areas of the brain involved in receiving and perceiving sensory signals from that part of the body and in describing a body sensation for instance, labeling it "sexual."

But when a woman reached orgasm, something unexpected happened: much of her brain went silent. Some of the most muted neurons sat in the left lateral orbitofrontal cortex, which may govern self-control over basic desires such as sex. Decreased activity there, the researchers suggest, might correspond to a release of tension and inhibition. The scientists also saw a dip in excitation in the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, which has an apparent role in moral reasoning and social judgment a change that may be tied to a suspension of judgment and reflection.

Brain activity fell in the amygdala, too, suggesting a depression of vigilance similar to that seen in men, who generally showed far less deactivation in their brain during orgasm than their female counterparts did. "Fear and anxiety need to be avoided at all costs if a woman wishes to have an orgasm; we knew that, but now we can see it happening in the depths of the brain," Holstege says. He went so far as to declare at the 2005 meeting of the European Society for Human Reproduction and Development: "At the moment of orgasm, women do not have any emotional feelings."

By Annalee Newitz

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Female Orgasm and Oral Sex ? What’s a Girlfriend to do ?

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
OK, so you’re in a great relationship and the sex is great too! Except for the fact that there are one or two sexual positions or techniques that you just can’t seem to get ‘right’. Is it really important to be able to have an orgasm in certain positions or while performing certain acts such as oral sex?

OK, so you’re in a great relationship and the sex is great too…

Except for the fact that there are one or two sexual positions or techniques that you just can’t seem to get ‘right’. Is it really important to be able to have an orgasm in certain positions or while performing certain acts such as oral sex?

That’s what today’s question is all about…

Dear Dan and Jennifer.

Hi, I am 20 years old and my boyfriend is 21. We’ve been having sex for almost a year now. We have GREAT sex. He’s given me multiple orgasms during intercourse.

There’s just one thing he has never been able to get me to orgasm on and that is when he gives me oral sex. We’ve tried many things like whipped cream, hot chocolate, and ice.

I feel bad because he thinks that he’s just not doing it good enough to please me. I don’t know what to do because he’ll ask me what I like and I really don’t like it that much. I don’t masturbate so I really don’t know what I like. I have tried it but it’s just something I really don’t do.

Is there something wrong with me that I just can’t get an orgasm from oral sex. Or are there some things or techniques you could advise me to try out with him. I just don’t know what to do anymore and I could use some advice.

By Dan and Jennifer

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The Secret to Continuous Orgasms

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Questions ?

Dear Dr. Patti:

During the past nine months my boyfriend and I have enjoyed a wonderful sexual relationship. I am 43 years old, and until I met this man, I did not know what an orgasm was, but now that has changed dramatically. He has always been able to bring me to multiple orgasms. We have experimented with sexual aids and have found them extremely pleasurable. My question is, now that we have added vibrators to our lovemaking, my multiple orgasms have turned to one long, continuous, intense orgasm lasting 10 to 15 minutes or as long as my boyfriend continues stimulating me. It does not let up until my boyfriend penetrates me for one final peak. Are orgasms lasting this long normal, and can you explain?

Answer :

Dear J:

What one might call you is a lucky woman! I can't tell you how often women who come to me for advice or counseling are seeking the endless orgasm, or even just a taste of what that would be like. It seems that you and your boyfriend have discovered the sexual fountain of youth.

As for the use of vibrators to perpetuate that orgasmic release, you have unlocked one of the keys for sexual success. Often a woman will require direct or indirect clitoral stimulation for her arousal to cook. I often recommend her using an electric massaging wand to do the trick. And if she also uses an internal device, such as a vibrating wand or penis-shaped object inside her vagina, she can stimulate herself to heights untold. A partner such as your man may become frightened or intimidated by the use of a sexual aid to promote your sexual response. I applaud his sense of self and sexual confidence to permit your bond to be enhanced with a non-human, battery-operated moving part.

Although there may be statistical norms for how long an orgasm can or should last, what's more important is that yours are long-lasting without causing pain or harm. If you cease feeling the enjoyment of an elongated foray into ecstasy, then chill it. As you probably already know, the truth is that women have the capacity to go into multiple rounds of orgasms, making them seem insatiable. In fact, your sense of satisfaction is much more determined by how your inner self is feeling, rather than when your genitals scream "Enough!" So monitor your whole body and its response; feel the good sensations throughout the process; and give yourself the green light for unlimited bliss.

By Dr. Patti Britton

The above information thankfully comes from the love.ivillage.com at the following link.

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Why do I sometimes cry after having an orgasm?

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Questions ?

Dear Dr. Patti :

Recently, I have fallen in love with my boyfriend of five months. Needless to say, we have incredible sex; however, sometimes after a really intense orgasm I will burst out in tears. Why does this happen to me? I never have been sexually abused, and I am very open about my sexuality.

Answer :

Dear N:

What a lovely question. Contrary to what many people may think, the responses women exhibit at the peak of orgasm are varied and can often be misleading. Women report to me that at their climax they explode with many varieties of emotional release. Those expressions can include tears, laughter, sobbing and intense crying.

Because the sexual response cycle is multiphasic, there are levels of energetic buildup during the whole process. The sex researchers Masters and Johnson first noted the four basic phases (excitement through resolution); Helen Singer Kaplan chronicled the desire phase. Later still, the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality determined the initial phase. The sexual response cycle works like this: First a woman feels a slight interest in having a sexual experience of some sort (the "vague stirring" phase); then she may become aroused and feel actual desire for sexual expression. Next she will experience excitement, during which many physiological changes occur, followed by heightened arousal at the plateau phase. Then comes her orgasm, at which point she releases all the pent-up energy and blood engorgement that has accumulated; and, finally, she rounds out with resolution.

All along this continuum are indicators, such as change in color, increased breathing, swelling of genital tissue and hardness and wetness of the male and female sex organs. Throughout this process of arousal through to the "pop" of orgasm, energy is amassing and must be discharged. That energy may take the form of whatever the body is capable of releasing so that it may show up, as for you, as intense crying. This is nature's way of giving you a precious gift. In American culture, tears and crying have received too much bad press, for both men and women. Know that this is a perfectly wonderful means for letting out both feelings and energy. Crying, for you, may be your body's way of telling you it has completed a dance, or an intense journey, through sex.

Be sure that you have thoroughly checked inside to make sure that these tears are of joy, not sadness or something else that may stem from a past wound around relationships, sex or your body image. Then go forth in delight that you can enjoy so much emotional juice. It's terrific that you can feel, express and know that you are truly alive.

By Dr. Patti Britton

The above information thankfully comes from the love.ivillage.com at the following link.

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Celebrating Orgasm : Women's Private Self loving Sessions

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
In private sessions with Dr. Dodson, five women improve their ability to achieve orgasm. This documentary illustrates the sex-coaching techniques Betty uses to guide women through sexual arousal to enjoying one or more orgasms.

Betty emphasizes each of the seven elements such as breathing, movement, and sound that heightens sexual pleasure. There are close-up views of the clients using clitoral stimulation, including fingers, battery vibrators, electric vibrators, and dildos. Betty's humor shines through in this joyful and rewarding video.

Observe five uniquely different women, ages 26 to 62, practice and achieve the ecstasy of orgasm during a private session with Betty Dodson. In a space of extraordinary trust, watch Betty guide each woman through her pioneering step by step process designed to overcome common inhibitions. See her encourage a client to speak lovingly about the beauty of her vaginal flower. Watch each woman practice masturbation while Betty sits alongside doing actual hands on coaching as she teaches slow penetration, rhythmic squeezing of the PC muscle, rocking the pelvis, breathing outloud, and making sounds of pleasure while using different forms of clitoral stimulation that include fingers and electric vibrators.

Then hear from the women themselves about the dramatic results of their private session: Increased self-knowledge, heightened self-esteem, and enhanced partnersex. Finally, enjoy how Betty uses earthy humor, straight forward language, and her own personal experience to teach sex.

The above information thankfully comes from the dodsonandross.com at the following link.

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Is Crying During an Orgasm Normal ?

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I am asking your advice on something because I do not know what else to do. Please keep this confidential. My husband was giving me oral sex the other night, normally I will not just "let myself go", I always stop him when I start to get too excited. I do not know why it is, I guess I just feel myself loosing control and don't know what to do with myself so I make him stop. I think I have only had an orgasm a couple of times. But that's not the biggest problem.

While my husband was giving me oral sex, he held my legs down when I started to pull him off of me, I was glad that he did hold my legs down because I was able to orgasm. The problem is that when I felt like I was about "done" I guess you could say, I felt myself feeling as though I wanted to cry. Then I pushed my husband off of me and told him to "stop", and then I pulled him on me and embraced him into a huge bear hug. He kept asking if I was okay and kept trying to turn towards me to see my face. I wouldn’t let him because I was crying and I just could not hold it back. All I could think about was "What is wrong with me?" Why in the hell would I start crying? I was completely enjoying myself. My husband got very weird on me after that. I kept trying to ask him why he was acting that way. Of course he didn’t know what to think because that had never happened to him before. He finally decided to question whether I have been doing something wrong or not. I couldn't believe it! I did not and would not ever cheat on my husband. But he made me feel as though I had been doing something wrong. I never saw him look at me before the way he did when he thought I was cheating. I told him that I have not been doing anything wrong. So why would I have started crying? I am really scared about my reaction. Have you EVER heard of anyone responding like that. PLEASE give me some type of advice on why you might think I reacted that way. I don't know what to do or think.

Many women cry as a result of having an orgasm. Since you haven’t had that many, you haven’t exhibited this before. As you said, you normally stop yourself from losing control, but this time you didn’t, so not only did you have an orgasm, but you cried as well. It does not mean that you cheated or any thing else. It just means that the orgasm triggered a lot of emotions which resulted in your crying.

What you have to do is show your husband this answer. He has to know that he shouldn’t be suspicious just because you cried after having an orgasm and didn’t want to look at him. You both should know that this happens, and you shouldn’t be ashamed if it happens again, and he shouldn’t be suspicious.

The above information thankfully comes from the drruth.com at the following link.

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