How to Give a Woman a Nice Orgasm

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 04 September 2008 0 komentar
Many women crave the orgasm, but never reach it. When seducing a woman, knowing how to give her the best pleasurable and climactic experience is essential if you want her to continually come back to you for more action. Here are some effective ways to get her to orgasm – from foreplay techniques to being the sexual process.

Talking About Sex

From the minute you’re with her, if you can openly make her feel comfortable talking to you about sex, then making sexual advances from her will be easy as she’ll most likely be expecting you to initiate it. This will not only allow her to start slowly getting aroused around you, but there will be enough anticipation from the starting point that will heighten the chances of giving her a nice orgasm. Do everything you can to flirt with her, tease her, and be playful with her. Treat her as an obnoxious lady that is in love with you, yet as a sweet princess that needs to be pampered every so often. Once you have talked about sex, establish physical contact with her to make her comfortable with your touch. Hold her hand and play with it, massage her shoulders, kiss her face and down to her neck. Get as aroused as possible before you proceed into the next step.

Oral Sex

Doing oral sex “right” will really increase your chances of giving her a nice orgasm later. Many women actually prefer oral sex over intercourse. If you can show her that you enjoy the most vital sexual organ that she possesses, your separate yourself away from other men. When performing oral sex, they key is to change yours actions until you find what she likes and gradually continue to do this. Start off licking around her clitoris to tease her, and then lick the labia and vulva. Switch from up and down motions to circular motions, then go back and lick her clitoris. Once she starts to moan, don’t go inside her vagina until later. This might get her sexually frustrated and she may start to become more dominating in directing you to do what she wants. When you’ve done this, it’s time to finish the job.

Sex Positions

When making love to her, remember to use the three popular sexual positions Military, Cowgirl, and Doggy style. If you want to be more adventurous you can always try new positions later. The point is to do something right until she feels that intense contraction in her muscles that will make her moan, scream, and orgasm, and the key to doing this is to angle and position yourself, as well as her body, in ways where you can feel the tightest sensations and deepest penetrations. Build up the anticipation for as long as possible twenty minutes, thirty minutes, forty minutes, and even up to an hour. Finally, end it by giving her the best orgasm a man can give her. She’ll love you for this.

By Tristan Lee

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Treatments and Drugs of Low Sex Drive in Women

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
There is no simple pill or potion to increase sex drive in women. In fact, most women benefit from a multifaceted treatment approach aimed at the many causes behind this condition. This may include sex education, counseling, lifestyle changes and sometimes medication.

Lifestyle changes you can make. Healthy lifestyle changes can make a big difference in your desire for sex :

  • Exercise. Regular aerobic exercise and strength training can increase your stamina, improve your body image, elevate your mood and enhance your libido.
  • Stress less. Finding a better way to cope with work stress, financial stress and daily hassles can enhance your sex drive.
  • Be happier. A sense of personal well-being and happiness are important to sexual interest. So find ways to bring a little extra joy to your world.
  • Strengthen your pelvic muscles. Pelvic floor exercises (Kegel exercises) can improve your awareness of the muscles involved in pleasurable sexual sensations and increase your libido. To perform these exercises, tighten your pelvic muscles as if you're stopping a stream of urine. Hold for a count of five, relax and repeat. Do these exercises several times a day.

Relationship changes you and your partner can make. For women, better emotional intimacy often leads to better sexual intimacy :

  • Communicate with your partner. Conflicts and disagreements are a natural part of any relationship. Couples who learn to fight fair and communicate in an open, honest way usually maintain a stronger emotional connection, which can lead to better sex. Communicating about sex also is important. Talking about your likes and dislikes can set the stage for greater sexual intimacy.
  • Seek counseling. Talking with a sex therapist or counselor skilled in addressing sexual concerns can help with low sex drive. Therapy often includes education about sexual response and techniques and recommendations for reading materials or couples' exercises.
  • Set aside time for intimacy. Scheduling sex into your calendar may seem contrived and boring. But making intimacy a priority can help put your sex drive back on track.
  • Add a little spice to your sex life. Try a different sexual position, a different time of day or a different location for sex. If you and your partner are open to experimentation, sex toys and fantasy can help rekindle your sexual sizzle.

Medical treatments for low sex drive. Medications aren't always necessary to treat low sex drive. But they can help.

  • Treating underlying causes of low sex drive. The first medical intervention for low sex drive is usually addressing an underlying medical condition or medication that's known to have sexual side effects. This may include adjusting or changing your current medications or starting treatment for previously undetected conditions.
  • Estrogen therapy. Systemic estrogen therapy by pill, patch or gel can have a positive effect on brain function and mood factors that affect sexual response. Local estrogen therapy in the form of a vaginal cream or a slow-releasing suppository or ring that you place in your vagina can increase blood flow to the vagina and help improve desire. In some cases, your doctor may prescribe a combination of estrogen and progesterone.
  • Testosterone therapy. Male hormones, such as testosterone, play an important role in female sexual function, even though testosterone occurs in much lower amounts in women. However, replacing testosterone in women is controversial and it's not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for sexual dysfunction in women. Plus, it can cause negative side effects, including acne, excess body hair (hirsutism), and mood or personality changes. Testosterone seems most effective for women with low testosterone levels as a result of surgery to remove the ovaries (oophorectomy). If you choose to use this therapy, your doctor will closely monitor your symptoms and blood levels to make sure you're not experiencing negative side effects.

The above information thankfully comes from the Mayo at the following link.

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Lost in techniques ? All about how to Orgasm

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
When a woman is having an orgasm, parts of the brain that govern fear and anxiety are switched off, and during orgasm the cortex is not activated, so to have an orgasm, women need to be relax and carefree. Further, orgasms are very individualistic, and to achieve orgasm, erection or ejaculation is not required. What if you can't orgasm ?

Orgasm is an overpowering emotion sensed between your ears, not your legs. The brain is the only organ that can provide reactive feelings like intensive orgasms. Orgasm is the point at which all the tension is suddenly released in a series of involuntary muscular contractions that may be felt in the vagina, uterus, rectum. Male orgasm has duration of 3 to 5 seconds, female orgasms last a little longer, 5 to 8 seconds.

To achieve an intensive orgasm, erection or ejaculation is not required; orgasm, erection and ejaculation are separate, independent functions. Orgasm is a psychological fact, an exclusively energetic process, a rush of intensely pleasurable sensations and emotions that needs only a healthy and functional brain.

When a woman is having an orgasm, parts of the brain that govern fear and anxiety are switched off and as she climaxes, an area that governs emotional control is also heavily deactivated. During orgasm, the cortex, the part of the brain governing conscious action, is not activated, so to have an orgasm, women need to not be fearful or full of anxiety!

The pleasure of sex is a great gift we receive as a human being, but it needs to be created with intelligence, responsibility and careful planning. When both sides understand that the brain is the biggest sex organ they will be happier and the brain won't be relaxed if you don't practice safe sex! Your partner won't be able to feel pleasures and achieve orgasm when she is worried about diseases or pregnancy!

Why orgasm is difficult for many women? About 15% to 20% of sex therapy cases involve women who have never had an orgasm, and there are probably many more who have not sought therapy. Many factors can influence a woman’s ability to have an orgasm. Physical, emotional, and social factors play a strong role in determining whether or not a woman experiences an orgasm. Physically, women usually need more stimulation than men to achieve an orgasm. The clitoris is the center of physical sexual arousal for most women. However, the clitoris is not located in a place that is particularly likely to be stimulated during vaginal intercourse, and it is difficult to get adequate stimulation from most positions. Practice and communication are important to find out what is most effective in leading to a woman’s orgasm, in addition, having a kind, caring, and experienced partner is certainly of benefit.

These days, every healthy woman should be able to have orgasm; furthermore, the majority of women are capable of multiple orgasms, if they wish to have them! What happens in a woman's body during a climax is very like what happens in men's body when they ejaculate. A feeling of increasing excitement, building up to a point where everything blows in a great blast of ecstasy. This orgasmic period is characterized by surges of contractions in the sex organs, occurring almost every 0.8 seconds. (Note that some women do experience orgasms without contractions.)

The major difference between male and female orgasm is, after the first climax, many women achieve orgasm again, often within a minute or two, but this is extremely rare in males, and only few young women can achieve multiple orgasm, because it has to be learned, and with the help of a skilled lover, most women can eventually achieve the capacity for multiple orgasms!

As you have your own taste in food, fashion, and sex, your lover has her own taste in what turns her on sexually. Unfortunately many women have a very vague notion of what turns them on sexually, or are only familiar with few things, and for this reason, men's duty is to help woman to discover as many things as possible and use this information to increase the sexual pleasures.

But in fact, men can not give an orgasm like an aspirin tablet; they help women achieve one, if only they have the correct data to make right things. You have to spend time with yourself to discover what gives you pleasure, and share this info with your lover to make things happen. Working by yourself you can learn how to orgasm in new ways that will make it easier to accomplish with your lover. Two of the many ways for women to orgasm during intercourse are either via additional stimulation to the clitoris during intercourse, or finding a way to directly stimulate your g-spot. These techniques can take time and effort to be learned and practiced by your lover, but if you spend time investigating the possibilities by yourself you'll be better prepared for success.

Most of the times, creating the same pleasures that they feel by themselves, is a problem to solve with their lover, and the only way is transferring the right data through a nice channel. Avoiding any criticism, any offensive approach is highly important, and being very careful is a must! You may use a method of telling him you want to show what you do in private when you are thinking about him? Most men love to watch while you do a show and tell. You can even ask him to help by giving you additional stimulation.

By Amy Guven

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About orgasms

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
There are two major types of orgasms a women can have, clitoral and vaginal orgasms. When masturbating, women usually learn to orgasm using their clitoris. There is nothing wrong with that, but it leaves the world of vaginal orgasms virgin. Many women are unable to climax during intercourse, as they aren’t familiar enough with the stimulation to enjoy it to its fullest extent. And coitus, commonly known as vaginal sex, can be one of the clumsiest ways to stimulate a woman, if done without thought. While it does provide an atmosphere that can be highly arousing, emotionally satisfying and erotic, the degree of stimulation to the woman's clitoral area is nothing compared to masturbation or cunnilingus, so manual stimulation to the clitoris during intercourse may be useful.

How to achieve orgasm during intercourse

The missionary position (with a full pelvic tilt): This position enables the penis to reach the g-spot, the part of the clitoris that extends into the upper side of the vaginal wall. Lie on your back, beneath your partner, and tilt your pelvis upward by putting one or more pillows beneath your buttocks, or ask your partner to rise up your buttocks with his hands.

The woman on top: This position allows the woman to adjust the position of her pelvis so she can better control the friction of the penis against her g-spot. This position also allows deep thrusting into the vagina, which can stimulate the cervix and trigger an orgasm, and will be much better with your partner sitting in the bed, his belly rubbing your clitoris!

Strengthen the grip: During intercourse, many women flex their pelvic floor muscles to give both partners greater pleasure. The stronger the muscles, the better you can contract your vagina and create greater friction against your partner's penis, leading to more clitoral stimulation. Try squeezing down throughout intercourse.

Keep your legs together: You can create friction from the penis and lead to a clitoral orgasm. When your partner inserts his penis into your vagina, squeeze your legs closed and have him place his legs outside yours. Your partner can then squeeze your legs further closed with his thighs. It may help if he can shift his pelvis forward to cause pressure and friction on your clitoris.

In reality, orgasms are very individualistic things and there is no one correct pattern of sexual response. Whatever works, feels good, and makes you feel more alive is the most important. What if you can't orgasm? Then you just can't for the moment, and that's no big deal. Sex isn't about orgasm, it's about pleasure, and it's hard to experience pleasure when you're trying to get past the finish line with little care for running the race. As people say - it isn't if you win or lose, it's how you play the game? Sex is a process, not a product!

By Amy Guven

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Tests and Diagnosis of Low Sex Drive in Women

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Primary care doctors and gynecologists often ask about sex and intimacy as part of a routine medical visit. Take this opportunity to be candid about your sexual concerns. If your doctor doesn't broach the subject, bring it up. You may feel embarrassed to talk about sex with your doctor, but this topic is perfectly appropriate. In fact, your sexual satisfaction is a vital part of your overall health and well being.

Once you bring up your concerns about low sex drive, your doctor will probably look for a physical cause of the problem, such as a prescription or over the counter medication you're taking. Undiagnosed medical conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure can also reduce your libido. During a pelvic exam, your doctor can check for signs of physical changes contributing to low sexual desire, such as thinning of your genital tissues, vaginal dryness or pain-triggering spots. He or she may also recommend additional screening tests, thyroid studies and questionnaires to help pinpoint your level of desire and find a reason for low desire. In addition, you may be referred to a specialized counselor or sex therapist to evaluate emotional and relationship factors that can cause low sex drive.

By definition, you may be diagnosed with hypoactive sexual desire disorder if screening tests reveal a persistent or recurrent lack of sexual thoughts or receptivity to sexual activity, which causes you personal distress. Whether you fit this medical diagnosis or not, your doctor can look for reasons that your sex drive isn't as high as you'd like and find ways to help.

The above information thankfully comes from the Mayo at the following link.

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Treatments and Drugs part 1

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Women with sexual concerns benefit from a combined treatment approach that addresses medical as well as emotional issues. Occasionally, there's a specific medical solution using vaginal estrogen cream, for example, or switching from one antidepressant medication to another. More often, behavioral treatments such as couple's therapy and stress management are needed to address the roots of female sexual dysfunction. And sometimes, a combination approach works best.

Non medical treatment for female sexual dysfunction

You can improve your sexual health by enhancing communication with your partner and making healthy lifestyle choices.

  • Talk and listen. Some couples never talk about sex, but open and honest communication with your partner can make a world of difference in your sexual satisfaction. Even if you're not used to communicating about your likes and dislikes, learning to do so and providing feedback in a non threatening manner can set the stage for greater sexual intimacy.
  • Practice healthy lifestyle habits. Avoid excessive alcohol. Drinking too much will blunt your sexual responsiveness. Also, stop smoking and start exercising. Cigarette smoking restricts blood flow throughout your body, and less blood reaching your sexual organs means decreased sexual arousal and orgasmic response. Regular aerobic exercise can increase your stamina, improve your body image and elevate your mood, helping you feel more romantic, more often. Finally, don't forget to make time for leisure and relaxation. Learning to relax amid the stresses of your daily life can enhance your ability to focus on the sexual experience and attain better arousal and orgasm.
  • Strengthen pelvic muscles. Pelvic floor exercises can help with some arousal and orgasm problems. Doing Kegel exercises strengthens the muscles involved in pleasurable sexual sensations. To perform these exercises, tighten your pelvic muscles as if you're stopping your stream of urine. Hold for a count of five, relax and repeat. Do these exercises several times a day.

Your doctor also may recommend exercising with vaginal weights a series of five weights, each increasingly heavier, that you hold in place in your vagina to strengthen pelvic floor muscles. You gradually work up to heavier weights as your muscle tone improves.

  • Seek counseling. Talk with a counselor or therapist specializing in sexual and relationship problems. Therapy often includes education about normal sexual response, ways to enhance intimacy with your partner, and recommendations for reading materials or couples exercises. With a therapist's help, you may gain a better understanding of your sexual identity, beliefs and attitudes; relationship factors including intimacy and attachment; communication and coping styles; and your overall emotional health. Treatment and Drugs part 2 here.

The above information thankfully comes from the Mayo at the following link.

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Treatments and Drugs part 2

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Medical treatment for female sexual dysfunction

Effectively treating sexual dysfunction often requires addressing an underlying medical condition or hormonal change that's affecting your sexuality.

Treating female sexual dysfunction tied to an underlying medical condition might include :

  1. Adjusting or changing medications that have sexual side effects
  2. Treating thyroid problems or other hormonal conditions
  3. Optimizing treatment for depression or anxiety
  4. Strengthening pelvic floor muscles
  5. Trying strategies recommended by your doctor to help with pelvic pain or other pain problems

Treating female sexual dysfunction linked to a hormonal cause might include :

  1. Estrogen therapy. Localized estrogen therapy in the form of a vaginal ring, cream or tablet can improve sexual function in a number of ways, including improving vaginal tone and elasticity, increasing vaginal blood flow, enhancing lubrication, and having a positive effect on brain function and mood factors that impact sexual response.
  2. Progestin therapy. In some research studies, women taking progestins experienced a decrease in sexual desire and vaginal blood flow. However, in other studies, women experienced improvements in desire and arousal when they took progestin in addition to estrogen. More studies are under way to see if different progestin regimens, alone or in combination with estrogen and other hormonal agents, may benefit sexual function. Progestins generally are prescribed to balance estrogen's effect on the uterus and not to treat female sexual dysfunction.
  3. Androgen therapy. Androgens include male hormones, such as testosterone. Testosterone is important for sexual function in women as well as men, although testosterone occurs in much lower amounts in a woman. Androgen therapy for sexual dysfunction is controversial. Some studies show a benefit for women who have low testosterone levels and develop sexual dysfunction, other studies show little or no benefit.

Testosterone may be given as a cream or gel patch applied to your skin. Sometimes, testosterone is given as a pill or injection. Side effects, such as acne, excess body hair (hirsutism), enlargement of the clitoris, and mood or personality changes, are possible. Because long-term effects of testosterone therapy in women aren't known, you should be closely monitored by your doctor.

Hormonal therapies won't resolve sexual problems that have causes unrelated to hormones. Because the issues surrounding female sexual dysfunction are usually complex and multifaceted, even the best medications are unlikely to work if other emotional or social factors remain unresolved.

Emerging treatments

Tibolone is a drug currently used in Europe and Australia for treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis. In a small study, women taking the drug experienced an increase in vaginal lubrication, arousal and sexual desire. But Tibolone hasn't yet received Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for use in the U.S.

The above information thankfully comes from the Mayo at the following link.

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