OVAH! Russia just got the BIGGEST Louis Vuitton piece EVER!

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 30 November 2013 0 komentar
CLICK HERE TO FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER!Russia just got the BIGGEST Louis Vuitton piece EVER!Russia Outraged By Giant Louis Vuitton Anniversary SuitcasePoliticians didn't like it, the public didn't like it, so the gigantic Louis Vuitton suitcase is being booted out of Red Square.The GUM department store on Red Square, which is responsible for 30-feet (nine meters) high and 100-feet (30-meters) long construction,...

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SHE’S BACK!!!! Lauryn Performs after her prison release!

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
CLICK HERE TO FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER! SHE’S BACK!!!! Lauryn Performs after her prison release!Guess who’s back! Lauryn Hill held her first post-prison show at New York’s Bowery Ballroom last Wednesday. According to the New York Times, the ex-Fugee member performed mostly her classic songs and one new track.During her two-hour set, Ms. Hill dived into selections from her most revered album, ‘The...

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The Daily Buzz for Nov 29

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 28 November 2013 0 komentar
CLICK HERE TO FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER!Jennifer Hudson In Net-A-Porter's The Edit: There's More To Fame Than Just Making ItHer brand new holiday film “Black Nativity” opened in theaters today yesterday and during promotions, Jennifer Hudson fronted the latest issue of Net-A-Porter’s The Edit.While donning designer garbs from Saint Laurent and Marc Jacobs for the Francesco Carrozzini-shot spread, the 32-year-old...

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