How to Talk to a Pregnant Woman

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 01 September 2012 0 komentar
Today is my due date of our second child. Finn, our first, was 13 days late so I realize there is a chance of this one going overdue. Strangely, I don't really mind this. The one thing I don't look forward to is the questions and comments, to be quite honest. Please understand - I'm not trying to be a grouch or anything and I truly know being pregnant is a blessing. It's just that when you get the...

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Posted by Unknown Kamis, 26 Juli 2012 0 komentar
I am singing along to a song on the radio.Me: Hey Finn, do you like my singing?Finn: ...

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Dear Body...

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 15 Juli 2012 0 komentar
The following post is a challenge from SheLoves Magazine, to write a love letter to your goes...Dear Body,This year marks your thirtieth. We’ve been through some crazy times in those years, haven’t we? We began with a squishy little 8lb 12 oz bundle of baby fat and a head of dark hair. You somewhat resembled an Eskimo. Of course, I don’t remember much of those early days. Apparently after...

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Feels Like Flying.

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 14 Juli 2012 0 komentar
Finn has found a new love for the swings at the playground. He's discovered the exhilaration of closing his eyes while being pushed high and fast. I love it because that was my (is my) favourite thing to do on the playground. My least fave? Monkey bars....

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Prince George-in It.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 09 Juli 2012 0 komentar
Summer time = road trip time. First stop: Prince George, BC.Chris' mom and boyfriend live there (AKA Grams and Grandpa Mike) and we organized for us and Chris' older brother Mike and his family to go at the same time, so our kids could meet. It was the coolest thing seeing the four of them play together! Unfortunately Joey, the youngest, wasn't able to get in on some of the fun because he had a broken...

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Cravings, Take 2.

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 08 Juli 2012 0 komentar
During my pregnancy with Finn, I craved two things, and they often had to go together:IceCarbonated water (Bonus if it was lemon/lime flavour)For this pregnancy I haven't had many cravings thus far. Since there is only less than two months to go, I'm not sure if I will develop any new ones. However, if my life depended on me telling someone what I craved this pregnancy, it would be two things. Nay,...

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Blueberry Coconut Flour Muffins (Gluten Free)

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 20 Juni 2012 0 komentar
Some peeps were asking about some muffins I is the recipe! It's taken directly from The Gluten Free Bible cookbook.Gluten Free Blueberry Coconut Flour Muffins6            Eggs1/4 c      Butter, melted1/4 c      Milk1/2 c      Sugar1/2 c      Coconut flour2 tsp      Grated lemon peel1/2...

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First Joke.

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 19 Juni 2012 0 komentar
Finn: Knock knock. Mom: Who's there?Finn: Knock knock. Mom: Who's there?Finn: Knock knock. Mom: Who's there?Finn: Knock knock. Mom: Who's there?Finn: Daddy. Mom: Daddy who?...And the joke ends there....

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Father's Day

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 17 Juni 2012 0 komentar
This is somewhat late, but I would like to extend a Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there, especially the father of my child and the one on the way. Chris is a great dad.To me, a great father is:Someone who is transparent: Not afraid to show his real self.One that says 'sorry' to his kids when he knows he's wrong or reacted the wrong way. One that doesn't consider it babysitting when...

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Patience, patience.

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 16 Juni 2012 0 komentar
FlickerI must say, I have to laugh at myself. This morning, I woke up in a relatively great mood. Not singing-at-the-top-of-my-lungs happy, but not on any kind of warpath either. Somewhere right in the middle. Juuuust right. During a breakfast bible-prayer sesh I asked for two things:1. help with patience2. to be challengedAnd some other stuff but that's not relevant.While I'm not regretting...

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Valerie Whitaker Female 28 years old Springfield, Virginia, US

Posted by Unknown Senin, 11 Juni 2012 0 komentar
I've been getting so many requests to reconsider my decision to retire that I have decided to give it another go. After taking a few recent assignments from photographers who are friends of mine, I realized how much I still love and miss it. I am in a different place personally than when I first announced my subsequent retirement. I tried to make my modeling announcement final and started doing...

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Top 10 Sexy Photos of Pamela Diaz, Hot & Sexy Pamela Diaz in Smallest Bikini

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
After this reality, Diaz participated in a few weeks in a section of the Channel 13 morning show as a commentator for La Granja Vip. Later, Pamela was hired by the SQP program of Chilevision as "opinóloga" (celebrity commentator). It was in this program where Pamela Diaz figured just for participating in television scandals that fueled many publications of the national tabloids. No. 10On May 10,...

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Top 10 Hot & Wet Pictures of Janita Deerpaul, Hot Wet & Sexy Beautiful Mauritian Models

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Mauritius is an island nation off the southeast coast of the African continent in the southwest Indian Ocean, about 870 kilometres (540 mi) east of Madagascar. In addition to the island of Mauritius, the Republic includes the islands of Cargados Carajos, Rodrigues, Tromelin and the Agalega Islands. Mauritius Island is part of the Mascarene Islands, with the French island of Réunion 170 km (110 mi)...

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