Marathon: T-Minus 24 Hours

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 24 September 2011 0 komentar
Well, it's here! Pretty much exactly 24 hours until Go Time. I've trained, not blogged a lot about it like I thought I would, and I'm ready as I will ever be. My stomach has had butterflies flying around in it since last Sunday, but I am so excited to see this through!

Last night most of the runners gathered for a 'carb up sesh' at Daniela's (one of the runners and a dear friend) house. Of course, a gathering of women is never complete with out some talking around a circle and a few tears of emotion, right? All of us kind of said why we were doing this run, and my response was two reasons. Of course, I run for these women and our sisters in Uganda that have been terrorized and mutilated and need our support. But, I would be lying if I was not running for selfish reasons also. In school the two things I hated most were math, and running. I was always the one coming in last, heaving out of breath. I came last in everything sports-related. Basically, if my self-worth were based on my athletic confidence and ability, it would be ZERO. So I am doing this to prove to myself that I can tell my body what to do, not it tell me I can't. Because I can. The moment I ran 6km, I knew I could do this. And now, my furthest run has been 16km (a miracle in itself) and tomorrow I will run 21km.

Simply put, my purpose of running this race is to raise money for these women that have had body parts severed, been raped by numerous LRA soldiers, ostracized from their communities and had their dignity stolen from them. I know it doesn't exactly hit home for many here in Canada, but for me it hits home as a woman. How blessed am I to have been born and raised in this country, a place of freedom where I can walk in confidence and with out fear? A place that I don't have a constant, daily fear of being harmed? How blessed am I that I have a nose, mouth, ears? Legs to run? How could I not inconvenience myself to train for a race, if it means I can help someone that desperately needs it? I am able, so I must.

Last night all the runners were given these special, amazing little cards that a woman in Texas and her four year old daughter made for us. Just to bless us and encourage us! Each one is hand-made, different, and has a hand written (not printed on a computer) note, and this amazing Franciscan Benediction. I think we were all in tears when Tina read aloud:

May God bless us with discomfort at easy answers, half truths and superficial relationships,So that we may live deep within our hearts,May God bless us with anger at injustice, oppression and exploitation of people,So that we may work for injustice, freedom and peace.May God bless us with tears to shed for those who suffer pain, rejection, hunger and war,So that we may reach out our hands to comfort them and to turn their pain to joy. And may God bless us with enough foolishness to believe that we can make a difference in the world,So that we can do what others claim cannot be done.Amen.

I think that pretty much sums up this whole cause.

I would LOVE it if you could donate to our cause and sponsor me in my run. Please click here:

Thank you in advance!

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Improve Your Sex Life With Women's Libido Enhancers

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 23 September 2011 0 komentar
Women reach their sexual peak at different times with men, and this may be the cause of many problems in the bedroom, where women libido enhancers can be used to help. Bedroom problems are usually due to miscommunication between partners, and time. When a man is sexually ready, then, women did not and vice. It does not become a big problem and just taking some pills or increasing the variety of other products you can easily improve your sex life.

Female libido is a very sensitive and there are many factors that contribute to its proper functioning. To make your partner happy and improve your relationship enhancement is the way to go. For starters, you should look for a variety of creams and enhance libido creams that you can use. Many of them are only short-term solution, so if you want to find something that lasts longer, you might want to look at natural cures and remedies.

Just by looking at the proper food you will find that your sex drive gets better. All could lead to a simple case of not getting enough of certain vitamins and minerals such as zinc. Many of the enhancements pills out there are expensive and only contain a cocktail of vitamins. Instead, do some research and find out what natural foods you can eat more in order to improve their sex drive.

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Women Motorcycle Riders

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

In the early 1900-William S. Harley and Arthur Davidson did some experimentation with electric bikes and created the first motorcycle. This invention changed the world and was the catalyst for getting the horse where it is today. Since then, many people with adventurous, free spirit who love to ride and see the world from behind the engine of your choice, have joined the ranks of riders. From that day are joining the ranks were not only men but also women. Today, women drivers put on their women's motorcycle jackets and form a third population of drive.

Early women drivers are women like Dorothy (dot) Robinson was born in 1912. She was even on bikes before she was born. Her mother drove the car side of her father's motorcycle to get to the hospital when in labor. Dot loved to ride, the rider is married, and both continued driving for decades. They will participate in endurance races together and made ​​a record transcontinental run together in 1935. Dot started women's riding organization. America Motor Motorcycle Association has announced the official club charter in 1941. Another early female driver was Vivian Bales. It was the first female driver to appear on the cover of the magazine Harley Davidson enthusiasts in May and November 1929th It was my first big trip of 300 miles in 1920. On a trip to Washington DC she met President Hoover. These and many other women have paved the way for other women to ride.

Which features women's motorcycle jackets come with the vents, removable liners, hardware, such as snaps and zippers in silver, brass, or brushed silver, side lace, fringe to wick water from the skin, and wattle. Women's motorcycle jackets really are with women in mind. They are designed to fit the image of women. They can come with elastic in the waist, and other features that make the jacket is better suited for women.

The best leather motorcycle jackets are cowhide and American Buffalo. These two women make a driver protection it deserves, and to open rider wearing the only thing between them and the asphalt in the event that was thrown from the bike or if lies. There is naked cowhide, which is the top grade leather. It is very durable with a soft and supple yet sturdy feel to it, aniline leather is soft with a pebble finish on it, is just plain cowhide to flog a plain finish and Split cowhide is durable, and it's stiffest leather, and has a pebble finish . American bison is much like a naked cowhide, but the price can be quite a bit less.

Thanks to those who made the invention in the world who have improved the quality of life, such as motor, and those women drivers who have paved the way for scores of other women to be inspired to join the ranks of drivers who choose to see world from the back of a motorcycle.

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For Women, By Women Enjoying A Women To Women Magazine

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
One way to stay in touch with events and trends of the modern woman a subscription to the magazine for women žene.Žena female oriented magazine provides articles, photographs and content that is important for success in today's women, no matter how many courses their daily lives differ.

Fun can come from multiple sources measurable. Exercise freedom of choice with a magazine for women to announce to the world that your interests are specific to your cultural and sexual identity. Your reading choices will give their opinion a vote of confidence in the magazine industry, says that the settings are clear, and may not be combined with the material your boyfriend or husband can read for enjoyment.

Regardless of your age, marital status, physical ability or hobby, there is a women's magazine for women that will help you communicate with other contemporary women. In additional learning new things through specific educational articles, your senses will be delighted entertaining opinion / editorial pieces as well as creative, interactive financial and articles written by women for women. When women are writing or directly through their own eyes, it offers the personal touch of their own who shared his readers. This specific adaptation of a truly remarkable way to apply knowledge of a woman, for understanding, education or entertainment to be consumed through the eyes of other women.

Read the magazine for women gives a positive and encouraging prospects that can be shared with family, friends and colleagues alike, all who understand that girl power is an important part of any woman's psyche. Women support other women through communication, enlightenment and happiness, the merger was not simply abandoned after the magazine is set to be, tips, stories and information to women in women's magazine carries on through knowledge sharing and support for all women are able to provide to each other.

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Just Your Average Extraordinary Child.

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 02 September 2011 0 komentar

Today Finn had his twelve month shots. Nope, you're not reading an old post. He will be two this month. Yep, I kept putting it off and putting it off, and finally made the appointment and got 'er done. I was expecting tears and flailing limbs, and he did cry especially during the last needle, but for the most part he was AMAZING. Oh, what? The last needle? Yes, he had FIVE shots. Two in each arm and one in his thigh. What a trooper. (Side note, what did we do in these situations before iPhones and kid apps? Probably saved me and Finn today.)

Also during this visit, Finn was weighed and measured...and he was all average. Average weight, height, and head circumference. Pretty much right in the middle for everything. That's Finn though... virtually every medial point any book says, that's where he his. Not too big, not too small; not too chubby, not too thin. He weighed the average amount and was the average length at birth. He sat up at the expected time, crawled and walked at the projected ages. It's safe to say that he's pretty much your average kid. (Except for his cuteness, in my unbiased opinion...)

As I drove away from the clinic, my 'average boy' in the back seat, I pondered that. I began to wonder about his future as a child...will he always be average? Will he think of himself as mediocre, second rate, undistinguished, unexceptional? Dear Lord, I hope not. I remember school...all the kids that are almost-prodigies get all the attention, all the awards, all the blue ribbons, all the trophies. The expressive ones that sing well make the leads in all the plays. The best basketball players will make the team. The class clowns get all the laughs. The smart ones get the A's and their names on the honour roll.

With my hands on the wheel, I made a promise to myself: I will make a purpose to tell Finn his whole life that he is exceptional. Incredible. Talented. More than enough. Amazing. Memorable. Bright. Incomparable. I will tell him that whatever he loves doing, to do his very best; even if he doesn't get the trophy, lead, or honour roll. Those things are just bonuses. He'll be our ordinary kid, with an extraordinary heart, who will do extraordinary things.

I have always loved this quote by Marianne Nash, and just recently came back to my attention during a message at church. It gets me every time. I think I need to design this in to a poster and put it in his room, so he can read it every day or every night when he's falling asleep (in the years to come, of course!) and know that he is meant to shine in this world. He was born to. He has a responsibility to.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. (Marianne Nash)

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