What is Going On!

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 29 Juni 2010 0 komentar
Warning: This post might bore you if you don't have children. If you do not have children, I encourage you to visit this website instead of staying here. (Or you can read on, whatever)

I need your advice. If you have advice to give. Finn, our beloved little one, is NOT DRINKING HIS MILK! He eats solids pretty good but since Sunday (today is Tuesday) he has refused most of his bottles. He takes his first one in the morning pretty well, but every one after that he takes about 2oz. I've been trying to sneak the milk in his baby cereal but it's not the amount he is supposed to be getting! I estimate that Finn has got 16-20oz of milk Sunday and Monday. Only time will tell today...

I'm not sure if he is sick or not. He has thrown up twice, but has no other symptoms. After he tossed his cookies he was just normal, cool boy Finn. Playing, crawling/dragging himself, talking and babbling. I thought it might be a sensitive gag reflex...I don't know. Sheesh. I suspected teeth, but he's never done this before!

So - am I overreacting? Should I take him to the doctor or wait it out? For how long? Has this happened to your kids? Argh! (How can you tell I'm a first-time mother??)

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First Taste of Lemon.

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 23 Juni 2010 0 komentar

Seriously, what are you doing to me...?


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Fathers Day.

Posted by Unknown Senin, 21 Juni 2010 0 komentar

Finn, his dad, and the Dad Mug. 

Yesterday was Father's Day. Chris's first! We woke up in the morning and Finn gave him his first gift - a mug with glasses and a mustache that says 'Dad' and a card. Oh, and a little pan Chris has been wanting to get. Kind of a random Father's Day gift, I know, but he had been wanting a little tiny pan to make perfect over-easy eggs in. So he got it. Boom. There was ONE more part of the gift that was supposed to come in the mail but is currently LATE (not pleased) so you'll have to see that later. Chris is bugging me to tell him what it is, but I ain't budging.

The day started out kind of lame after Chris left for church with the McGee's - I lugged a playpen, a tray full of cupcakes, blankets, a diaper bag full of things plus Finn in the car seat in one load down to the car. That wasn't even the lame part. (My shoulders hurt right now and I smell like Rub-A535). Then I realized I forgot Finn's bottle, so I stopped at a pharmacy but they had no bottles under $8. I stopped at Safeway, found one, but then Finn was not satisfied with that bottle so he didn't eat for six hours. Plus we were late for church. SO, after church we ended up going BACK home anyway to get Finn's bottle, feed him and then headed out to Chris's dad's house for Father's Day celebrations. SIGH. Crazy morning, fantastic afternoon and evening. Dinner was great, the conversation full of laughs, and the sun even came out. No matter how your day starts, it's all about how it ends! Happy fathers day to all the dad's. Hope your day was great. :)


Us in our swim attire.

Dan and Christine!

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Summer O' Fun: Queens Park.

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 13 Juni 2010 0 komentar
So far, this summer weather has - oh how shall I put it - been the worst example of summer weather pretty much ever. Why are we still wearing jackets, jeans, and SOCKS in June? I've seen some wearing wool coats for goodness sakes. Well, God decided to give us a treat on Saturday. (Thanks, God) We packed up the babies and headed to Queen's Park in New Westminster with our good pals, the McGee's. It was Finn's first time at a waterpark and a petting zoo! He loves animals. Not so sure about the water yet. Given, it was freezing cold. I think he'll love it in the summertime!

Very excited about our day out.

Loves the swings!

Just chillin with daddy.

Eating lunch. He dumped his noodles all over the table, so he is eating mom's bread crusts.

Putting his feet in the freezing cold water with his buddy Cohen!

Finn LOVES animals. He tried making friends with all the goats and a cow.

The goats were less impressed.

Here's the calf! He loved him too.

Doucette family photo in front of the pig pen. Apparently we couldn't think of a better location for a family portrait.

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A Finn Update.

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 11 Juni 2010 0 komentar
A little update on what's up in Finn's little life. Where to begin? I feel like everyday is such a new experience for him. How about the fact he has seven teeth? Or that he is almost crawling? He's doing the GI Joe army crawl right now and loves that he can get to where he wants whenever he wants. Mom and dad, however, are not encouraging or discouraging this milestone. We have some major baby-proofing to do around here! His favourite thing to go for is our modem and the wires around it. Really, dude? The modem? Electrical wires? How about all the toys that mom and dad bought you?

Finn has also learned the art of Baby Cheese: the act of making the biggest cheesiest smile possible, and getting lots of laughs, aw's, and kisses in return. We don't mind. It is honestly the cutest face I have ever witnessed. Pictures don't do it justice.

I mentioned he has seven teeth now - four on the bottom and three on the top. We got him a tootbrush and strawberry-flavoured toothpaste and he is officially entered the magical world of dental hygiene. Except when I am brushing his little teeth he tries to take the brush away to just chew and suck on it. So I let him. He's gotta learn sometime!

Here are some other photos of life as of late:

He was supposed to be napping. Instead, I walk in to this.


Great Grandma Rosalyn was in town!


A nice fine day in Fort Langley.


Finn and his second cousin, Dane, who is about two weeks younger than him!


Finn LOVES dogs. One of his favourites, Soda.

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As One CD!

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Our awesome church released an awesome worship CD that Chris happened to play guitar on! I'm sure some of you family and friends have heard about it (or not, doesn't matter!) so here is a taste of it if you haven't heard it yet. Check it out! Chris is the one in the plaid shirt. :)

Hope from As One on Vimeo.

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