Month One: Down.

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 23 Oktober 2009 0 komentar

 Wearing a new little outfit complete with big pants and little train shoes!

One of Finn's first smiles, caught on camera!

I'm not sure if I have ever experienced a month that went by faster than this one! It's been a wild ride and I think we're getting used to the craziness of parenthood. You know, the nights of less sleep, the crying and soothing, the diapers, and everything else that goes along with this life. So what has happened from September 21 to today?

Family Visits

Some of Finn's grandparents (he has 12 in total) came from out of town to visit. The only downside was when they all had to leave! First we had Jim and Karen from Edmonton (Papa and Granny) fly in. They stayed just for the went by too fast!

Then we had Karen and Mike from Prince George (Grams and Grandpa Mike) in the next week, when Finn was three weeks old. We wish all Finn's grandparents lived closer!


Finn experienced his first holiday - Thanksgiving - at Grandad's and Grammy's (Bruce and Karen's). It was great except Finn decided he wanted to eat the second mom sat down to have dinner with everyone, thus causing mom to miss out on dinner with everyone. Sigh - such is life.

We're pretty pumped about what the next month will bring to the Doucette household - lots of smiles and laughter!

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Finally - Finn Prentice Doucette is here!

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2009 0 komentar

Finn Prentice Doucette | September 21, 2009 | 11:43am | 8lbs 9oz

Well, it's been almost two weeks since we birthed a healthy baby boy called Finn. Personally, I am delighted the first week is over - so full of nerves and learning curves (that will never end, I know) (also, that rhymed which is sweet) and learning how to breastfeed and changing diapers a billion times a day. Here is the birth story if you would like to know it:

Let's start with the fact that I was 13 days past Finn's due date and things were getting a tad frustrating. Going to the midwives office for appointments were a little disappointing - hearing that girls that were due after me were already enjoying their newly formed families, and I was here enjoying the gift of more stretch marks and peeing every half hour. I would sometimes get emotional talking to Chris, feeling like this baby was never going to come.

At my last prenatal appointment with the midwife, they gave me a recipe for a 'labour cocktail' that involved Castor oil, almond butter, mango juice, and lemon verbena. I choked this all down (in stages - first the oil/almond butter, then the juice/verbena followed by a carbonated water chaser) around 4pm. After that our friends came over (see photo!). Before dinner we went for a walk and that's when I started to feel my back hurting and tummy cramping. Could this be it, I wondered? Finally?

A couple hours later after dinner around 8pm and Travis and Jessica had left, the contractions started. When we started timing them shortly after, they were already coming at no longer than 4-5 minutes apart, so we called the midwife. She said to wait a bit when they were more regular, so we called again later when they were consistently 2-ish minutes apart. She told us she would meet us at the hospital.

After rushing and packing last minute things in the suitcase, we hopped in the car, me groaning with every contraction. Upon arriving at Surrey Memorial, I got checked and was already 6-7cm dilated. I got into my room (the last one available!) and pretty much hopped in the shower and there I stayed for the next three hours. Again, groaning. Long story short, after three hours I went to the bed and was now about 8-9cm! Around 7:30am, I was 10cm and the midwife told me that when I felt the urge to push, I could. I started to cry - the time was here and I couldn't believe it! I asked how long the pushing usually took, and she said one, maybe two hours. Ha! From about 7:30am to 11:43am I pushed and pushed. Toward the end, Finn's heart rate suddenly went up and they strapped an oxygen mask on my face as well as the fetal monitoring belt. I was a tad nervous because I had no idea what was going on...but all resolved itself. I continued to push and finally, at 11:43am Finn was out and in the world. When the midwife put Finn on my chest, I could not believe it - we had a son! Chris was emotional, I was emotional, my mom was was quite the experience.

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