How to Make Your Woman Cry Out During an Orgasm

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 04 Oktober 2008 0 komentar
As a man the only sign you guys can get of whether or not you are doing a good job in bed is whether or not you can get her to cry out during an orgasm. Otherwise how will you ever know if she is really enjoying what you are doing. Well I am going to give you some great tips so that you can have her crying out every time you have sex with her.

To start with you need to make sure you are in an empty house and let her know that she can be as loud as she wants. Letting her know this will stop her from keeping it in and will make sure that she will be as loud as you make her!

When she is aware of this you need to make sure you take your time in pleasing her, remember you have the house to yourself so there is no need to rush!

Start off with plenty of foreplay, women love foreplay. During this foreplay make sure she gets plenty of attention so she will be ready for an orgasm.

Keep changing positions and techniques until you find one that she seems to enjoy and just go with that one for a while.

Once she is nearing orgasm change position to either doggy style or missionary with her legs over your shoulders. These positions allow for the deepest penetration possible which results in the best orgasms.

Use these great tips and you will have she cry out during her orgasm.

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By Maria Holland

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Symptoms of Low Sex Drive in Women

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Obviously, the major symptom of low sex drive in women is a low or absent desire for sex. According to some studies, more than 40 percent of women complain of low sexual desire at some point. The percentage is smaller 5 percent to 15 percent if you only count women with ongoing problems.

Still, researchers acknowledge that it's difficult to measure what's normal and what's not. If you want to have sex less often than your partner does, neither one of you is necessarily outside the norm for people at your stage in life although your differences may cause distress. Similarly, even if your sex drive is weaker than it once was, your relationship may be stronger than ever. Bottom line: There is no magic number to define low sex drive. It varies from woman to woman.

The above information thankfully comes from the Mayo at the following link.

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Can’t Orgasm? Here’s Help for Women

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
About 10% of women have never had an orgasm either with a partner or during masturbation. And quite a few of them have found their way into my therapy practice. That's when I tell these women the good news: It is possible to learn to be orgasmic.

The first and most important lesson is to practice developing a balance of tension and relaxation during sexual activity. But, my women clients ask, how can they be both tense and relaxed at the same time ? It's a good question, and here is my two part answer:

How to Have an Orgasm Step 1 : Tense Up

The type of tension that helps women reach orgasm is muscle tension (myotonia). Many women have the mistaken impression that they should relax and "just lie there" because they've heard that relaxation during sex is important. But it turns out that muscle tension is often necessary for an orgasm. In my experience, the majority of women learn to have their first orgasm by incorporating a fair amount of leg, abdominal, and buttock tension.

Not surprisingly, women report that the most orgasm-inducing muscle contractions are in their lower pelvis. These are the same muscles you squeeze to stop the flow of urine midstream (a conscious contraction of this group is called a Kegel exercise).

What is the connection between tensing muscle groups and having an orgasm? Arousal. Contracting (or tensing) certain muscles increases blood flow throughout the body and often to the genital area. And arousal, of course, is the road map that helps lead most women to orgasm.

How to Have an Orgasm Step 2 : Wind Down

So, where's the relaxation part of this equation? In the brain. During sex, a woman should be focused simply on feeling the sensations of the stimulation.

Have a hard time relaxing? Think of a Times Square billboard in which words stream into view from the left-hand side to the right edge, and then disappear off the screen. During sex, many women find it helpful to program their own Times Square news crawl with a repetitive mantra such as "I can take as long as I want" or "This really feels great" on their mental silent radio. It keeps the brain occupied but with a thought that will encourage sexual arousal rather than with a nervous, negative thought that might decrease arousal.

After this first lesson, I send my clients away with a homework assignment. During sex, they are to tense up their muscles and let their minds go silent. This technique takes practice, but it can work over time. And more often than not, my clients return to a future session with their own good news to report.

Can't Orgasm ? The Problem Could Be Medical

Therapy can help some women having difficulty with orgasm. For others, a medical condition or side effects from a medication may be causing the problem. Visit your doctor to rule out these causes. Options for treatment include the following :

  • An FDA-approved device called Eros helps increase blood flow to the genitals.
  • Over-the-counter creams may increase sensitivity and help a woman reach orgasm, although these are not FDA-approved. As always, talk to your doctor before starting any treatment.

By Louanne Cole Weston, PhD

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A Strong PC Muscle Helps Women to Achieve Orgasm Easier

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Strengthening the PC muscle will give men and women several sexual and health benefits. One sexual benefit for women is that having a strong PC muscle makes it easier to achieve orgasm. There are many women who do not achieve orgasm so easily, and developing the PC muscle makes this a lot easier.

The PC muscle is a hammock-shaped muscle, stretching from your tail bone to your pubic bone. This muscle e.g., controls your bladder, and when you go to the toilet, you can locate it by stopping the stream of urine. The muscle you feel contracting when you do this is your PC muscle.

You can strengthen it by voluntarily contracting it, over and over again, during activities like driving a car or watching television. Strengthening the PC muscle will give men and women several sexual and health benefits.

One sexual benefit for women is that having a strong PC muscle makes it easier to achieve orgasm. There are many women who do not achieve orgasm so easily, and developing the PC muscle makes this a lot easier. The stronger your PC muscle gets, the higher the sensitivity of your genitals, because of the higher blood flow.

An orgasm is mainly felt as the contractions of the PC muscle, and when it is not strong enough, it will not contract easily. But the stronger it gets, the better you feel it, and the easier you will achieve orgasm.

There are roughly four “orgasmic levels” for women :
  • Anorgasmia, when you cannot achieve orgasm at all.
  • Clitoral orgasm, when you can only achieve clitoral orgasms.
  • Vaginal orgasm, when you can have both clitoral and vaginal orgasms.
  • Multi-orgasmic, when you can have several orgasms in a row.

When you have never achieved an orgasm, sometimes training your PC muscle is enough to achieve orgasm, and sometimes you need medical help. One thing is clear from research: the higher you are in these categories, the stronger your PC muscle is. And strengthening your PC muscle can move you up in these categories, and will make you achieve orgasm much easier.

By Tony Higgins

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Causes of Low Sex Drive in Women

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
A woman's desire for sex is based on a complex interaction of many components affecting intimacy, including physical well-being, emotional well-being, experiences, beliefs, lifestyle and current relationship. If you're experiencing problems in any of these areas, it can affect your sexual desire. In other words, there are dozens of reasons you may not be interested in sex:

Physical Causes

A wide range of illnesses, physical changes and medications can cause a low sex drive, including :

  • Sexual problems. If you experience pain during sex (dyspareunia) or inability to orgasm (anorgasmia), it can hamper your desire for sex.
  • Medical diseases. Numerous nonsexual diseases can also affect desire for sex, including arthritis, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease and neurological diseases. Infertility also can contribute to low sex drive, even after infertility treatments are over.
  • Medications. Many prescription medications including antidepressants, blood pressure
  • Alcohol and drugs. A glass of wine may make you feel amorous, but too much alcohol can spoil your sex drive; the same is true of street drugs.
  • Surgery. Any surgery related to your breasts or your genital tract can affect your body image, function and desire for sex.
  • Fatigue. The exhaustion of caring for aging parents or young children can contribute to low sex drive.
medications and chemotherapy drugs are notorious libido killers. Antihistamines also can zap your sex drive.
Hormone Changes

Changes in your hormone levels may change your desire for sex :

  • Menopause. Estrogen helps maintain the health of your vaginal tissues and your interest in sex. But estrogen levels drop during the transition to menopause, which can cause a double whammy decreased interest in sex and dryer vaginal tissues, resulting in painful or uncomfortable sex. At the same time, women may also experience a decrease in the hormone testosterone, which boosts sex drive in men and women alike. Although many women continue to have satisfying sex during menopause and beyond, some women experience a lagging libido during this hormonal change.
  • Pregnancy and breast-feeding. Hormone changes during pregnancy, just after having a baby and during breast-feeding can put a damper on sex drive. Of course, hormones aren't the only factor affecting intimacy during these times. Fatigue, changes in body image and the pressures of carrying or caring for a new baby can all contribute to changes in your sexual desire.

Psychological Causes

Your problems don't have to be physical or biological to be real. There are many psychological causes of low sex drive, including :

  • Mental health problems, such as anxiety or depression
  • Stress, such as financial stress or work stress
  • Poor body image
  • Low self-esteem
  • History of physical or sexual abuse

Relationship Issues

For many women, emotional closeness is an essential prelude to sexual intimacy. So problems in your relationship can be a major factor in low sex drive. Decreased interest in sex is often a result of ongoing issues, such as :

  • Lack of connection with your partner
  • Unresolved conflicts or fights
  • Poor communication of sexual needs and preferences
  • Infidelity or breach of trust

The above information thankfully comes from the Mayo at the following link.

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Your "orgasm face"? Cosmo and the pornification of women

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Waiting in the drugstore recently, I was startled by a glimpse of the cover of Cosmopolitan Magazine. No, it was not the display of copious cleavage, nor the breathless tone of the article titles. It was the title of one article in particular: Your Orgasm Face; What He’s Thinking When He Sees It.

As a gynecologist, I’ve had unique opportunity to view the consequences of increasing sexual openness. It appears to be a bonanza for young men, generally at the expense of young women. Men get all the benefits; women carry all the risks. Men get laid, get action, get lucky and women get pregnant, get sexually transmitted diseases, get infertile, get cervical cancer.

And all in exchange for what ? Young men are almost always sexually satisfied by their relationships. Young women? Not so much … because young men are often inexperienced lovers more concerned about their own enjoyment than anything else.

The idea that women exist solely for the sexual satisfaction of men is the basis of pornography. What is surprising and depressing is that young women are being encouraged by other women to believe that they exist only for the sexual satisfaction of young men.

Pornography is the objectification of women, generally described as :

Portraying women as physical objects that can be looked at and acted upon, and failing to portray women as subjective beings with thoughts, histories, and emotions. To objectify someone, then, is to reduce someone exclusively to the level of object.

In pornography, the objectification of women is sexual. Women are physical objects that can be looked at and acted upon sexually. They have no thoughts, feelings or needs of their own.

That does not, in itself, mean that pornography is bad. As long as the viewer understands that it is fictional and unrealistic, it can be viewed as nothing more than a sexual outlet. The problem occurs when people begin to believe that it is a realistic depiction of women, and that women do exist only to satisfy the sexual needs of men and have no sexual needs of their own.

The relentless use of sexual imagery to sell products and gain attention can be blamed for giving young women the idea that their role in life is to satisfy the sexual needs of men. It is an unfortunate, and unintended consequence of sexualizing large swaths of contemporary culture. Altogether more disturbing, because it is intended and explicit, is the way that women’s magazines have encouraged women themselves to believe that their chief value is as objects for the sexual gratification of men.

There are many offenders, but Cosmopolitan Magazine tops the list, for its sheer variety and lack of subtlety, if nothing else. The cover of this months’ Cosmo includes articles on Total Body Sex, the Naked Quiz and The Trick that Attracts Hot Guys Like Crazy. But even Cosmo has reached a new low with the featured article Your Orgasm Face; What He’s Thinking When He Sees It.

As if the objectification of women in men’s magazines were not bad enough, encouraging men to believe that women exist only for their sexual pleasure, women’s magazines are emphasizing the point: Not only are your sexual needs and desires irrelevant, ladies, but you will be judged if you dare to express them. What matters about your sexual needs is not their fulfillment, just the effect that your fulfillment has on men’s enjoyment.

Cosmo reminds women that not only are they being judged for sexual attractiveness (evidently the only characteristic of concern) by breast size, weight and facial features, now they are being judged on how they look during sex. You might be pretty, you might be thin, you might be well endowed, and that will convince him to take you to bed. That’s not where it ends, though. He’s still entitled to judge your performance during sex and finding you lacking.

I don’t get it. Why do we tell young women that they are free to be soccer stars or astronauts, and then barrage them with signals that the only thing that really matters is sex? This relentless “pornification” of women violates everything we claim to believe about gender equality.

What does he think about your orgasm face? Why should any woman care? Only someone who believes that she exists for the sexual satisfaction of men would consider the question to have any relevance at all.

The above information thankfully comes from the at the following link.

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Orgasms : a real ‘turn-off' for women

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
For women, it seems, sex is a big turn-off, reveals a brain scanning study. It shows that many areas of the brain switch off during the female orgasm including those involved with emotion.

"At the moment of orgasm, women do not have any emotional feelings," says Gert Holstege of the University of Groningen in the Netherlands.

His team recruited 13 healthy heterosexual women and their partners. The women were asked to lie with their heads in a PET scanner while the team compared their brain activity in four states: simply resting, faking an orgasm, having their clitoris stimulated by their partner's fingers, and clitoral stimulation to the point of orgasm.

The results of the study are striking. As the women were stimulated, activity rose in one sensory part of the brain, called the primary somatosensory cortex, but fell in the amygdala and hippocampus, areas involved in alertness and anxiety. During orgasm, activity fell in many more areas of the brain, including the prefrontal cortex, compared with the resting state, Holstege told a meeting of the European Society for Human Reproduction and Development in Copenhagen on Monday.

In one sense the findings appear to confirm what is already known, that women cannot enjoy sex unless they are relaxed and free from worries and distractions. "Fear and anxiety levels have to go down for orgasm. Everyone knows this but we can see it happening in the brain," he explains.

Extraordinary behaviour

From an evolutionary point of view, it could be that the brain switches off the emotions during sex because at such times the chance to produce offspring becomes more important than the survival risk to the individual. Holstege points to the extraordinary behaviour seen in some animals during the breeding season, such as March hares, when the urge to mate seems to override the usual fear of predators.

But Holstege cannot explain why there is such extreme deactivation in so many areas of the brain during orgasm. Only one small part of the brain, in the cerebellum, was more active during female orgasm. The cerebellum is normally associated with coordinating movement, though there is also some evidence that it helps regulate emotions. "We don't know what activation of the cerebellum corresponds to," Holstege admits.

His study also revealed clear differences when women were faking an orgasm. Part of the brain involved controlling conscious movement lit up, and there was none of the extreme deactivation.

Next the team hope to look at what happens to the brain in the minutes after orgasm, as well as in patients with sexual problems. The team has already done a similar study involving 11 men, which revealed far less deactivation during orgasm than in women. However, Holstege says the results are probably unreliable and need to be repeated. The problem is that PET scanners measure activity over two minutes and in men it is all over in a few seconds.

By Michael Le Page

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